Page 97 of Someone to Love

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It was handwritten letter, written in a hand he would have recognized anywhere in the world. He hastily turned the page around.

And stared.

It was, as he had suspected, signed ‘Nili’ and addressed to Koyal.


Koyal, still thinking about the night spent with Atharv, had just stepped into the ladies, the one next to Atharv’s office, when she heard someone sobbing.

She stopped short, puzzled. Sounds of shuffling of feet and then a familiar figure emerged from one of the booths. Her face was tear-stained, and for the first time since Koyal had met her, devoid of any make-up.

‘Kimberly!’ Koyal exclaimed, aghast, rushing towards her. ‘What’s wrong?’

Kimberly turned even paler and immediately withdrew into the booth.

‘I can’t … you … you need to go, please. You, of all people, you have to go now.’

‘Why? What did I do, Kim?’

‘Koyal, go! I can’t talk to you.’

‘I’ll just stay here, please, just for a bit,’ Koyal said, looking at Kimberly with compassion. She had grown immensely fond of the stunning doctor and seeing her like this was devastating. ‘Please?’

Kimberly looked at Koyal and then gave in.

‘Okay,’ she said, her voice resigned but still teary.

The two of them slumped to the floor. Koyal watched in silence as a fresh bout of sobs hit Kimberly. Koyal rushed to get some tissues, gave them to Kimberly and gently rubbed her back.

The sobs soon subsided and Kimberly closed her eyes.

After a few minutes, she opened them again, turned around to look at Koyal and said, ‘Thank you, Koyal.’

Koyal shook her head. ‘It’s okay.’

‘It’s funny that you should be with me right now,’ Kimberly said cryptically.

Neither spoke for a few minutes.

‘Kim?’ Koyal said gingerly, breaking the silence, pushing aside a strand of Kimberly’s hair so that she could see her face clearly. ‘Who is the guy?’

‘Oh no, nothing like that…’

Koyal rolled her eyes at Kimberly. ‘Is he being a jerk?’

Kimberly shook her head. ‘I think I am being a jerk.’

‘You can’t have done anything wrong, Kim. I know you.’

‘I did,’ Kimberly said, shaking her head, tears streaming down her face again.

‘What did you do?’

‘I fell in love.’

‘Gosh, Kimberly.’

Kimberly rested her head against the cool wall. For a few seconds, silence reigned.
