Page 20 of Broken Silence

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I sigh and make my way home, trying to think of anything else but that, instead thinking of her small laugh and her smile when we catch her off guard. The way her shell is slowly slipping away and revealing the gorgeous girl underneath it all.

I’m still thinking about her as I’m getting ready for bed, after reading my little brothers a story. They won’t let Mom or Dad read to them anymore because “Co” as they call me, does better voices. They’re possibly the cutest twins around, so I can’t deny them, which is also why they’re spoiled.

Adam: How did the walk go?

Me: Quiet

I notice he’s using the group text without Charlie this time. We generally text within a group instead of individually, it’s just easier. When they added the group to Charlie’s phone, it was a different group. We still use this one, though not as often.

Trent: Library again? You like her, man?

Me: We are just friends right now, dude. And we weren’t alone.

Trent: Hold up. Y’all had a library group hangout without me?

Abby: Maaaaybe.

Alice: I like Charlie. I hope she wasn’t offended that I pointed out that I read her facial expressions.

Adam: No way, she seems too chill to care about that. She seemed to appreciate that we can.

Abby: Are you guys all ok with her being part of our group? I didn’t even think to ask.

Trent: Hell yeah, she’s a badass at basketball. Plus she’s cool.

Alice: I think she fits with us. Who better to take her in than the misfits?

Adam: Agreed. She doesn’t shy away from us like I’ve seen her do to everyone else in class too. Plus she’s adorable.

Me: Agreed on both accounts.

Abby: Good. Thanks guys. She just seemed so lost that first day, then we seemed to get along well.

Adam: I noticed that too, she seems so sad sometimes.

Alice: Do you know why Abby?

Abby: No, I didn’t want to ask.

Me: I bet she’ll share eventually. We’re only a few days in, give her time.

Alice: Are you all going to leave me behind when you hook up with her, because I also noticed all those adoring stares.

Abby: We wouldn’t leave you.

Alice: That didn’t answer my question, Abby.

Abby: Goodnight!

The fact that we all like her as much as we do makes me happy. And not just those of us that find her attractive or adorable, it’s that she’s genuine. The girl couldn’t hide her emotions if she tried. But either way, she’s ours, and we’re keeping her.




Despite it being a good day, it still drags by as I look forward to our library study session. By the time Cole and I reach my locker at the end of the day, th
