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“How’d you get in?” Zak asked, fiddling with his phone.

Kurt felt his nose twitch as he desperately tried to ward off a smile. He had already put two and two together.

“You used Brandon’s name or mine to get in the door?” Zak asked.

Liam shifted his feet, stuffed his hands in his polyester pants and said, “I applied for membership a while back.”

So Kurt was wrong. He sure didn’t see Liam as a member there.

“Who sponsored you?” Zak asked.

“I know people, all right?”

“Brandon sponsored you?” Zak was fishing.

“Of course he didn’t sponsor him,” Kurt said, thinking Liam was a little sharper than they gave him credit for. “He would’ve known why Liam wanted membership.”

“Come on, dude. Tell me. Who sponsored you?”

“Brianna and Jax.”

“You went to Coco’s sister and asked for sponsorship?” Zak laughed. “Did you tell her why?”

“She knew why,” Liam said.

“Well, brother, all I can tell you is if you’re gonna be a player, you gotta get the right uniform before we can let you on the field. Look at you and your poly pants.”

“And you in your leather and boots?” Liam smirked. “It’s not like we’re in the big city anyway. Pay attention to the dress code in there. Besides, it’s dark. No one will notice.”

“Let Coco cop a feel and she’ll know. She’s the only one you care about in there anyway.”

“Man’s got a point,” Kurt said, processing the idea of sharing Coco with Liam. He’d gone to a lot of trouble to infiltrate her inner circle. Joining Paddles and Picnics was a bold play, especially since he went to Brianna and Jax for membership sponsorship. That was a ballsy move considering the Jackson brothers didn’t exactly like the Blaziers.

“By the way…” Zak shifted his shoulders, fiddled with his damn phone again, and finally braved freeing the question Kurt had been expecting. “What do you know about Coco’s sister?”

Liam frowned. “I don’t think Coco would want you messing with her sister.”

“And why not?” Zak asked. “Ask any of my former subs or girlfriends before the lifestyle. I’m a good catch. I’m great to my women.”

“But he has one major flaw,” Kurt teased. “He has low self-esteem.”

“I can tell,” Liam said, giving him a look of disapproval. “It’s a bad idea. That’s all.”

“Tell me why,” Zak pressed.

“For starters, like the rest of us, you’ve probably watched Coco and Brandon fuck. You were definitely there today when she gave him head and he whipped her bare ass. Don’t you think that would present a few problems between sisters?”


“Of course you wouldn’t see where it would because you obviously already have your sights on her.”

“That’s the first smart thing you’ve said all night,” Zak said, patting Liam on the back and slamming the truck door. “All right, fellas. We’ve had some fresh air. The playtime demos and scene developments are probably almost over. It’s open dance night here tonight and I plan to take full advantage and grind the night away.”

“He already has a partner in mind, remember,” Liam grumbled.

“Careful, Liam,” Zak teased. “Around these parts if you say partner, folks can spin that a number of ways. I’m just here to dance. Now if that leads to play and I can find a willing play partner then all the better, but yeah, for now I already have my sights on one gal and if I can make her mine for the night, you guys probably won’t see me again until sometime late tomorrow.”

* * * *
