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“How does he do it?” Liam asked, watching Zak work his magic. “I mean, he stands outside and tells us he wants Coco’s sister and comes back in and goes straight for the twins everybody in our family has had at least once.”

“He’s just toying with Cara and Deana,” Kurt said. “He has no intentions of doing them.”

“Of course he doesn’t,” Liam said, feeling a little sorry for the twins. Liam understood his brother and how he worked. He was only talking to the twins because of proximity. Coco’s sister was in line at the bar, only a few feet from Zak.

“Hey you.” Coco’s hands slipped over his eyes and her raspy voice filled his ear. Liam cursed his cock for hearing her first. Whatever hold she had on him, whatever it was that made him a walking hard-on at the mere mention of her, let alone the sound of her voice, he had to know more. He had to find out what it was that made him connect with her even when he felt so disconnected from everything and everyone else.

Liam reached around his head and pulled her hands free before hauling her around to face him. She smiled that sweet smile he was certain she reserved only for him. “What are you doing here?”

“Ah you know, hangin’ out.” He glared at Kurt, daring him to say one word. Brother or not, he’d deck him right there.

“Kurt?” She giggled at the sight of him and that giggle of hers was telling. Even Liam could translate her nervous laughter, the simplest things he noticed about her. “What are you doing here?”

Coco seemed more shocked to see Kurt which Liam considered a tallied point in his favor. Truth be told, Kurt should’ve been the one she suspected of membership and Liam should’ve been the surprise.

“So you think I don’t belong here for some reason?” Kurt asked, his gaze working over her body like he already knew her so intimately, so completely.

And that alone irritated Liam.

Coco sipped her girly drink, the one with the cute umbrella and four or five sinking cherries. Liam shook off the thought that came with the cherries and said, “So he’s the unexpected and I’m the one who looks like he belongs here?”

“Not really. I read the club newsletters. I knew you’d applied for membership.” She removed one of the cherries and popped it between her lips, twirling the stem until he was as hard as a damn pistol full of ammunition. “So you were approved.” She bit the plump red fruit off the end and placed the stem on an empty table behind them. “I’m glad.”

“Thanks,” he said, noticing Zak heading their way.

He also spotted the reason why Zak had abandoned his post. Drina was only a few feet from them now.

Coco turned to her and said, “You guys know my sister, right?”

“Yes,” Liam said. “Hi, Drina.”


“We’ve met,” Kurt said. “Good to see you, Drina.”

“Pleasure’s mine,” she said, catching an elbow in the rib from Coco.

Shit. Liam had to step up his game. Coco clearly had dibs on Kurt. He wanted her to put dibs on him as well.

Zak appeared in the mix then. He placed a near brotherly-like kiss on Coco’s cheek and said, “Hey, sweetie. How ya doin’? Everything all right?”

“Yes, Zak. Things are fine.” She narrowed her gaze on Zak then Liam and Kurt. “Are you guys here checking up on me?”

“Trust me when I tell you, we are not here for Brandon,” Liam said, hoping he didn’t sound too bitter or worse, too obvious.

Coco took her sister by the wrist to turn her Zak’s way and said, “Zak, this is my sister Drina. I don’t think the two of you have met. Drina, this is Zak, another one of Brandon’s brothers.”

Drina moistened her bottom lip. Her eyelids were heavy as if she’d practiced and rehearsed a sultry look several thousand times.

Zak lifted her hand to his lips. “It’s a pleasure, Drina. I saw you dancing earlier.”

That’s all he said. He didn’t say, “You looked sexy as hell.” He didn’t compliment her for her te

chniques and she sure had them. He just let her know he’d watched her.

“I hope you enjoyed yourself,” she said saucily as if she already knew he’d certainly found pleasure in her moves, as if she’d already gauged how much he wanted her, desired her in a way few others would.

Liam believed that much because he’d seen Zak play the field and this was definitely different. There was something explosive going on between Zak and Drina. The combustible chemistry between the two was instantaneous.

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