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Two Days Later

Key West

“I can’t believe we’re here.” Ellie affixed her oversized straw hat on her head and tossed on her new sunglasses.

“I can’t believe the guys actually let us have some girl time,” Serena said, opening her book and flipping to her stomach.

Sable stirred her frozen margarita and watched the beach. “Have you ever seen a more beautiful place?”

“The water is so blue, so perfect,” Heather said, sitting next to Ellie under the umbrella.

“Beer is in the cooler,” Ellie told her. “Cocktail service comes through here every hour or so.”

“Glad you finally made it, by the way,” Sable said, ribbing her. “What time did you get up?”

Heather let her sunglasses dip down her nose. “Are you kidding me? I haven’t been to bed.”

“Then let me just say that you’re looking remarkable in your freshly fucked state.”

“Thanks,” Heather said. “I think.”

“Did you guys talk to Bane last night?” Heather asked, seemingly at ease with Serena. From what Ellie had learned earlier that morning, Serena had tried to apologize but Heather wouldn’t discuss it. She had assured her that an apology wasn’t necessary among sisters, a nice classy touch, all things considered.

“We used Skype,” Serena said, blushing.

Ellie snickered. Sable clucked. Heather caught on a moment or two later.

“Let me guess, you and Draegan can’t have a moment without Bane there to witness it?” Sable asked.

“Oh no, it’s not like that at all,” Serena said. “We’re trying to get pregnant so after what happened, we decided if we have unprotected sex, we want the other ‘father’ there. Life is too short and unpredictable to take the special moments for granted. It’s just something we’re committed to doing, so when our children come into this world, they know they are part of a very special loving union, one which was a planned family right from the beginning.”

“I think that’s really sweet, Serena,” Heather said.

“Me, too,” she said, lifting her book again. “We’re pretty lucky to have such great guys.”

“We are,” Heather agreed, opening the cooler. “And after everything that’s happened, they’re still giving us a girl’s day out.”

Sable rolled her eyes. “I know. Right? Who would’ve thought?”

The women all turned then and waved at their men, located about twenty feet down the beach and slightly behind them.

“Does Allister have binoculars?” Heather asked, sitting straight up.

Sable grunted. “Psht. Are you kidding me? They all do.”

“So much for a girl’s day out,” Serena said, laughing.

“It’s absolutely perfect.” Ellie lifted her glass. “To a girl’s day on the beach.”

Glasses and bottles clanged together. “Here! Here!”

