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“He couldn’t get a hold of you,” Luke explained. “We put him on the wagon.”

Her guess was a good one. “You did what?”

“He ain’t too good to work the land, if he’s gonna live here,” Luke drawled, taking a seat on the edge of her paper-infested desk.

“What exactly are you talking about?” Lucy demanded. “Do you know who he is?”

“I don’t care who he is,” Rex replied. “If he’s making a move from the city to the country, he might as well get used to heavy-duty farm work.”

Lucy took a deep breath. In the distance, Billy started that silly baby talk, bantering back and forth with his wife. “I’ve been waiting for him to arrive here all day!”

“Then you should’ve answered his call when he rang you this morning.”

“I was in the blasted shower!”

Luke rubbed his jaw. “Is that where he was supposed to meet you?”

“What?” Lucy asked, shaking her head because she wasn’t sure she’d heard the question correctly.

Rex stalked her. He stood inches in front of her. Sex appeal rolled off the man as easily as hot butter slips over an ear of corn. “You needed to get some work done today, so we kept your guest busy. We didn’t want him to disturb you, so we made sure he got a good workout. We thought he might appreciate life on the farm. I didn’t know he wasn’t used to working for a living. Kid has been spoiled and pampered. He’s used to the easy life.”

“That’s the truth,” Luke added. “I wish you could’ve seen him muckin’ stalls. He whined more than you used to when your granddad made you help us in the stables. We tried our doggone best to work the lazy out of him, but it’ll take more than a day to do that.”

Good God, she was mad. “Do you think Billy is my…” She stopped. But of course they did. She was just about ready to play it for all it was worth, too, but Billy sort of ruined her intentions.

“I have an audience, honey. I know. I miss you, too. You’re my sugar bear with honey. Ah yes. I know where to find that sweet-tasting sugar.”

“Oh for the love of God,” she said, rolling her eyes and storming across the room. “Billy is one of my drivers, you morons. He’s racing in Nashville this weekend, and considering the drive he just made from Dallas, the hard labor you two had him perform, and that wife of his, I’ll probably have to put him to bed and let him rest until Friday!”

“Your driver?” Luke asked, arching a brow.

“Yes!” Lucy replied, grabbing a handful of papers and shaking them at him. “I own a race team in case you’ve forgotten! I have several drivers coming in this week before we race in Nashville. Believe it or not, this is not a good time for your domineering games. This team has a job to do, and with my move, trust me, we don’t have a moment to spare!”

“Is that a fact?” Luke asked, taunting her.

“Yes,” she informed them, glancing at Billy who was leaned back with his eyes closed, the phone still clutched in his hand. “I don’t have time for your stunts, guys. Not right now.”

“Well, ain’t that a damned shame?” Rex asked, grabbing her by the hand and shoving it against his swollen cock.

Jerking away, she glared at him until she saw double, which wasn’t a good thing considering she barely managed one Rex McDavid. “I’m not doing this,” she said, storming toward the door.

Luke caught her around the waist, tossed her over his shoulder, and nodded to Billy in passing. “Make yourself at home. We’ll bring her back tomorrow.”

“Luke McDavid! Put me down!” she exclaimed, slapping her hands against his back.

His large, firm palm came down against her ass. “I will, doll. Just as soon as I get you home, I’ll let you down nice and easy.”

“This is not what I want!”

Rex chuckled. “Have it your way. If you don’t want to take things slow, we’ll give it to you hard and fast, but one way or another, you’re sleeping in our bed tonight. As a matter of fact, you might want to notify your drivers and everyone else you employ. I have a vacant spot in my bed, and I want you to fill it. Not just this evening but for all the nights following this one.”

Luke smacked her bottom again, and she yelped. Then, she held very still, wishing for another wallop across her backside. Good heavens she’d forgotten how much she enjoyed an erotic spanking.

“If you behave, we may let you leave us long enough to see your cars race this Saturday,” Rex told her, pinching the side of her breast. “But that’s only if you play nice, Lucy.”

Chapter Eight

The dining room was bad luck. Luke thought so five years ago, and now, after Lucy walked out the night before, he was convinced. He stormed in the house, took the front stairs two at a time, and hurried down the hallway, heading for the master suite, the room they’d always used for their extracurricular activities.

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