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“I know he advised you a lot.”

“He was a trooper, your granddad,” Luke began. “And he worked his tail off to protect our assets after Mom and Dad were killed. Rex and I were just kids. We didn’t know anything about the cattle business or Texas feedlots. All we knew is that we lived in a big house, had more cattle and horses than anyone around, and that we were extremely rich. If your grandfather hadn’t stepped in, we’d be working at the carwash, scraping up pennies for scraps.”

“What happened?” Lucy asked, watching Luke situate the burgers on a large tray.

“Dad had about twenty thousand head of cattle in Wheeler. He was dealing with a crook, and he knew it. Mr. Malone was aware of the situation. Dad had gone to him for advice numerous times. Anyway, after my parents were killed, we received a letter from the feedlot owner detailing some made-up complications. The corn-fed cattle were dying off, at rapid speed.

“Needless to say, after the third letter came, Rex and Mrs. Carpenter were alarmed. They took the letters to Mr. Malone, and he flew to Texas with Rex. The facility housed about thirty-two thousand head, and it was at capacity. The bunks were read several times a day, so there were records supporting Mr. Malone’s suspicions. The majority of the cattle there belonged to my father. Mr. Malone obtained a court order, and when the cattle sold, we were paid. If it hadn’t been for your grandfather, we would’ve lost millions.”

“I never knew about that.”

/> “There’s a longer version to that story,” Luke said, grinning. “Anyway, Rex learned a lot about modern-day cattle hustling from your granddad, and he spent every waking hour after that trip learning about the business. He vowed we’d never get beat out of a dime. So far, we haven’t.” A beat later he added, “And we’re not about to let the scum of the earth beat us out of our girl.”

Chapter Seventeen

Rex took a seat at the head table and looked out over the small group. The aroma of a good old-fashioned Southern cookout filled the courtyard, and while Rex was hungry, after he’d talked to Fred Graves, he’d lost his appetite.

After this was all over, Rex planned to spank Lucy’s ass raw for getting involved with such a common thug.

He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “You doing okay, lover?”

“Yes,” she replied, smiling up at him.

His heart skipped a few beats, and he relaxed then, certain Lucy was strong enough to make it through the night. Rex nodded toward Luke, and Luke reached under the table. The little shit was probably fingering her while he ate.

Rex snickered. If so, he hoped Graves had a bird’s-eye view of what he was missing.

Taking a sip of his cola, he stood, deciding he could eat later. He might as well get this show on the road. They had a lot of tracks to cover.

“May I have your attention?” he asked, clanging a fork against his glass.

A rumble washed over the crowd and all eyes turned toward him. Rex had the floor.

“Please, make yourself right at home tonight. Our caterers prepared a wonderful meal on short notice. Let’s give them a hand.”

Everyone clapped.

Rex waited for the praise to end and then said, “Tonight, we have a lot of business to discuss. First and foremost, I want to talk to you about Lucy’s dream for MMHPG. Mason Malone’s High Performance Group is dedicated to its drivers and staff. Those of you who’ve been in the pits or behind the wheels of MMHPG cars understand Lucy’s goals. Most of you share her competitive nature which is why you’re here.

“I’ve had the opportunity to meet all of you. We’ve talked about your future plans and the goals of MMHPG. I hope by the time this night is through, all of you will make plans to remain with our racing team.” He paused, turned to Lucy, and winked. She winked back. The “our” factor apparently pleased her. “MMHPG will be relocating to Tennessee, and we hope to keep everyone on board as we help you and your families make the transition.”

Taking another drink from his glass, he sought out Graves and watched him. He was nervous. It took one Dom to see this in another. Despite his cool demeanor and cocksure attitude, Graves knew something was up, and he was probably trying to figure out a way to stop what they had planned for him. Then again, how did a man—even one like Graves—halt what he didn’t see coming.

Rex cleared his throat. “Tonight, after dinner, I’d like to invite you into the media room where we’ll show some highlights from MMHPG’s history. After you view some of the footage, I’ll ask for your signature on these contracts.” He held up a five-page agreement. “All of you are aware of the fact that contractual terms vary and are confidential.

“At the end of the evening, I believe each of us will have a clearer meaning of where we stand with one another.” He glared at Fred. “If not, we’ll certainly do what we can to clarify any questions you may have.”

With that, he sat down. Lucy patted his knee.

“That went well, I think,” Luke said, around a mouthful of food. “Old Fred over there is about to shit his pants.”

“Luke, please,” Lucy said. “We’re eating.”

Rex grunted. “I only have a taste for one thing right now.”

Lucy giggled.

“It ain’t that, sugar,” Rex grumbled. “Though I’ll want some of you a little bit later.”
