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“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Fred remarked, agitated.

“That’s okay,” Luke chimed in. “I’m sure Scott kept some pictures. He’s a proud drag queen. I’ve been to several of his shows. I’m surprised you didn’t know about his fetishes. He has a bad habit of collecting friends, and mementos from the good times he shares with his guests. Scott still has photographs of the two of you playing with something that looks a whole lot like an impact wrench.”

Fred gulped.

“If I were you, I’d follow my brother. See if the two of you can’t strike a deal.”

“This isn’t over, Lucy,” Fred whispered, narrowing his sunken eyes.

“The hell it isn’t,” Luke said. “You might as well kiss her good-bye and say your apologies here. In fact, if I were you, I’d grovel for her forgiveness.

“Lucy won’t concern herself with you from here forward. She’s leaving you to us. Personally? I’d love to see your arrogant ass on the front of Sports World Galore with your hands on someone else’s lugnuts. Believe me, those pictures exist.”

Fred broke a sweat, and Lucy lost her fear. There was something to be said about blackmailing someone who’d spent the better part of three years discrediting everyone around him. There was something to be said about gaining the upper hand. Being in the driver’s seat never felt better, especially since the winner’s circle was just around the corner.

Chapter Eighteen

Rex slammed the door in Lucy’s face. He didn’t want her to see this side of him and he was perfectly capable of handling Fred on his own.

Luke took a seat on the sofa. He crossed his legs, bouncing his left leg over his right and sitting with his wrist bent, focusing on his watch.

“Do you mind?” Rex asked, resisting a smile.

“Your maturity leaves a lot to be desired,” Fred said, addressing Luke.

“Your tactics leave you wide open to karma,” Rex told him.

“I don’t know what Lucy’s told you, but I’m no threat to her.”

“Really? That’s good to hear,” Rex said, fixing a scotch and water.

“Would you care for a cock…tail?” Luke asked Fred.

“I believe I’ll pass.”

“Smart choice,” Rex said.

“What do you want from me?”

Rex sat behind the large mahogany desk. He shuffled a few papers, lifted the desk organizer, and pretended to be on a deliberate sear

ch. “I have something you want, actually.”

Luke grinned. “They’re in the closet. I had a few thousand copies made.”

“Ah,” Rex said, playing along. He strolled across the room, picked up a remote control off the end table in passing, and opened the folding doors to a closet packed with boxes. “Do me a favor, Fred. Pick out one of these DVDs. I wanna show you something.”

Fred didn’t move. “What kind of game are you playing?”

Rex said. “They’re all the same so just choose one. I don’t have all day.”

Fred stalked across the room, stared at the numerous containers in disbelief, and then opened the top of a box shoved in the far corner. He chose a DVD as directed. “This is ridiculous.”

“I couldn’t agree more. I’m trying to take over my girlfriend’s company so she can concentrate on her personal life and I’m doing damage control with old boyfriends. If you think you’re unhappy, take a peek inside my fury.”

“It ain’t pretty in there,” Luke told him, spreading his arms over the back of the sofa.

Rex snapped the DVD case out of Fred’s hands and headed for the entertainment center. After inserting the disc, he turned on the television and took a seat on the edge of the coffee table, fiddling with the remote until he found the volume. A loud, humming racket filled the room, alerting them to the surround sound system.
