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“There we go. We’re all set,” Rex announced. “Sit down, Fred.”

“I prefer to stand.”

“You’ll probably faint,” Luke said, winking. “But don’t worry, big boy, I’ll catch you when you fall.”

Fred’s face held an ashen color. He nervously lowered himself to the edge of a sofa cushion, staring at the television.

Rex watched Fred. He hit the play-option on the remote and the acts unfolded. They weren’t for the faint at heart. There, on the big screen, Fred’s dirty laundry was aired.

“I’m not sure I can stomach this,” Luke said, turning away.

“I can,” Rex said, focusing on Fred as the noises from a chain reaction male on male party filled the room. “Here’s the thing, Fred. I understand that you and Lucy have a torrid past.”

“I wasn’t with a man until after Lucy dumped me.”

“I know,” Rex sang, mimicking him. “I’ve done my research. That’s not what this is about and you know it. Lucy gave you the tools you needed to destroy her. She allowed you to pull her into a lifestyle she already wanted because we taught her about that lifestyle. However, she came to you with legitimate business needs and you mixed business with pleasure only because you wanted to later use it against her.”

“That’s not how it happened.”

“Are you denying the fact that you blackmailed her?”

“I haven’t released the videos I have of Lucy.”

Rex shrugged. “I want copies of what you have. Lucy wants children someday. I don’t want her to worry that one day, later on down the road, her children might stumble across footage of her and a former lover. I certainly don’t want my children to later see mommy tied up, gagged, and enjoying a good whipping from a man who obviously received his own share of spankings.”

About that time, smacking sounds filled the room. Rex turned toward the television and glared at the images unfolding there. Five men were on screen. Five fellows enjoying one another in a way Rex couldn’t begin to comprehend. He wasn’t prejudiced against gay men, but he wasn’t interested in watching porn, and that’s what this was—straight-up porn.

Turning the power off, Rex stood. He pointed to the far wall. “By the end of the week, I’ll have a warehouse full of those DVDs. If you even think about releasing the movies and pictures you have of Lucy, I’ll destroy you. It took me less than twenty-four hours to gain information about your private life. I spent another hour hiring someone to produce the DVDs. If you think I can’t ruin you in a day, you’re mistaken. Down here in the South, we take care of our own.”

Fred’s mouth twisted one way and then another. He looked like he was ready to cry. Then, his expression changed to one of stark fury. Enraged, he stood. “You have no idea what I can do to you if those films surface.”

Luke laughed. “Considering the fact you look like a human vacuum for one of the world’s most celebrated drag queens—and his groupies—you’re damn lucky you haven’t been on every magazine cover in the country. If I were you, I’d choose my friends more wisely.”

Rex issued his own warning. “You also might consider who you turn into an enemy. You never know what allies your adversaries might have.

“Lucy isn’t just my friend, she’s my lover, and she’ll soon become my wife. If you think I’ll let you, a man who takes cock better than she does, destroy her reputation, think again. Not only will I distribute copies of your performances, I’ll see you in court too. I’ll strip you of your credibility, career, family, and money. I’ll leave you with nothing.”

“We understand one another,” Fred assured him, rushing to leave.

“I hope so,” Rex said, sticking his hand out.

Fred looked down at Rex’s outstretched arm. He was clearly afraid to shake and for good reason. Rex wanted to kill him.

When he placed his palm in Rex’s hand, Rex said, “I like doing business with those who see things my way.”

Fred walked to the door and then paused. He turned and said, “You can look down your noses at me all you want, but I’ve survived in this world because I learned how to manipulate those around me. Lucy wasn’t singled out. She needed something I provided. In turn, she provided something I needed. It was personal more than business.

“On the other hand, in stock car racing, whether you’re behind the wheel or you’re waiting in the pits, you’d better have a set of balls if you’re to survive in this business. You’ll probably do all right, Rex.” A dry chuckle later, Fred added, “That is, until Lucy decides to cut you out of her life and move on to the next guy with a better set. And Lucy always shifts gears when least expected. You’ll see. She never idles anywhere long.”

Chapter Nineteen

Luke was still thinking about Fred’s parting words when he rejoined the party. He watched Lucy entertain her drivers, taking care to notice how she responded to the various men around the room. A couple of her team members had their wives at their side, and Luke noticed how she treated them as well.

As far as he could tell, she was the perfect hostess.

She lit up when she saw them. “Everything okay?”

“Fine,” Rex said, staring straight ahead.
