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“Leave her alone,” Rex demanded, tapping Luke’s shoulder.

“She doesn’t want me to let her go this time. Do you, Lucy?”

Lucy found herself shaking her head. Oh God, what kind of spell was she under now? The McDavids always did this to her. She was truly helpless in their presence.

“Lucy wants me to hold her until she remembers,” Luke whispered. “Then, she wants me to rock her until she forgets the things that made her run away from here in the first place. Go on. Tell him, Lucy. That’s what you want, isn’t it, doll?”

“You’d better listen to your brother,” Lucy grated out, finding the strength to represent the scorned woman she’d once been.

“I’m more interested in what you have to say.”

“Really?” Lucy asked, forcing a tight smile. “Then bend an ear, friend. I’ve had a long time to think about what I should’ve said all those years ago, and I want to make sure you hang on every word.”

“Go ahead,” Luke drawled.

“Are you ready for this?” she asked, taunting him. “You think you’re man enough to handle what I have to say?”

“You know I am.”

“That’s debatable,” she said, tempted to draw her leg back and kick Mr. Luke McDavid where the sun refused to shine. Only she didn’t want to hurt him there. She was after a shot through his heart, not one to the groin, just in case she ever had the inclination to sex him up and ride him into the night.

Not that she would.

“I’m listening, honey,” Luke encouraged her again.

“I’m only saying this once,” Lucy began. “I didn’t come home for a quick romp with the good old boys who know how to do a woman dirty. I didn’t return for you or Rex. I damn sure didn’t come back to remember. I’m here because I inherited a nice chunk of change, a beautiful home, and some prime land. I’m staying because I have big plans for this place and quite frankly, wanted a fresh start, nothing more and nothing less, just a nice clean slate.”

“Starting over sounds good,” Luke said, arching a brow like he expected to hear more.

“So you approve?” she asked, not really caring either way.

Luke’s hot gaze dripped over her. “You know I do, darlin’. I always have.”

“Well then, what do you say we just go ahead and get to it then?” she asked, moistening her lips, implying a lot.

“I thought you’d never ask,” Luke replied, winking.

She grunted. This was bound to be a long first week so she might as well make a point.

Lucy rubbed her small frame against Luke’s much larger one, peering over his shoulder in order to look directly at Rex. “Now that we’ve groped and teased one another, why don’t you boys run on along and fetch Marilyn? She should be somewhere over at your place with her legs spread wide, a dildo in her pussy, a plug in her ass, and her small nipples clamped just the way you like them.

“At least that’s the way I remember her when I saw her last. I imagine things haven’t changed much. Sluts and whore-hoppers generally stick together, don’t they?”

“I hate to hear you talk about yourself like that. Best I remember, we used to spend a lot of time together,” Rex said, never copping a smile. “Come on, Luke. We should go. Mrs. Carpenter will want to know how many places to set for dinner.”

Luke released Lucy. He gave her one last head-to-toe appraisal with a downright wicked smile stamped upon perfect lips—full on the bottom and thin on top.

“I see some things never change. The two of you couldn’t wait to rush right over here and insult the hell out of me,” she accused, glaring at Rex as if he were the only McDavid to blame.

Rex tipped his cowboy hat and with smug satisfaction said, “You took care of that yourself. Besides, if birds of a feather flock together, I can’t wait to soar into forbidden territory.” A beat later he added, “Tell you what, Lucy, as soon as you get settled in, you let us know. We’ll stop by again tomorrow and see if you need anything. You watch for us, now, ya hear?”

* * * *

“What the hell were you trying to do—piss her off?” Luke asked, stomping into the house without wiping his feet on the welcome mat.

“If I’d wanted to do that, I would’ve told her to strip and bend,” Rex replied, walking to the refrigerator where he retrieved a soda can and popped the top.

“That’s great, Rex. I’m sure Lucy would’ve been happ
