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Ruby slowly uncrossed her legs and straightened her skirt. “Hey, I like your new bag. Is that Gucci?”

“Since when can I afford Gucci?” Sid’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t try to change the subject. I know what that look is all about, sister.”

“Excuse me?” Ruby tried her hardest to act chill and calm and devoid of all emotion.

Sidney leaved forward and smiled. “That look. The one you can’t hide.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Sidney chuckled and shook her head. “You’ve been thinking about all the sex.”

“I was thinking about work, Sid. I have a meeting later this week and—”

“You were thinking about all the sex you had this weekend. All the sex you had with Travis. And this?” She held up her water glass. “This right here is going to cool me down.”

“And why would you need cooling down?”

Sidney smiled and sank deeper into the chair. “Because you’re going to tell me about all the sex you had this weekend.” She paused. “After you tell me how in hell Travis Blackwell managed to worm his way back into your life.” She frowned. “No. Wait. I want to hear about the sex first.”

Ruby sighed and shook her head. There was no point

in denial. Sidney knew her better than anyone. She uncrossed her legs and winced.

“I knew it!” Sidney chuckled. “You had so much sex, you’re sore.”

“Okay, that’s a little too much.”

“I don’t care. Spill. I want details.”

“It just happened.”


“On a boat.”

Sidney leaned forward. “How many times?”

“Four. No, wait.” A slow smile curved Ruby’s lips. “Five.”

“Wow. No wonder you’re sore. Have you ever gone more than one round with Chance?”

Ruby sat in the chair. “No.” Sex with Chance had been good. He was attractive. He knew his way around a woman. He scratched an itch that needed scratching. But it had never been all-consuming. She’d never felt as if she lost a piece of herself when they were together. What she had with Travis was different. The connection was deeper. The sex wasn’t just good. It was off-the-charts good.

“What’s going on with you and Chance anyway? Is he totally out of the picture?”

Ruby nodded slowly. “He called me a few days ago and I told him we were done. After what he did, putting me in that position?”

“Well if that’s all it took you guys never stood a chance.” Sidney winked. “Pardon the pun. As for Travis…”

“Sid.” She closed her eyes. “It’s like we’ve never been apart. I can’t explain it. That insane physical attraction is still there. Even after all the crap we’ve been through. It’s like our bodies are meant to be together. Like we only come alive when we’re…”

“Having sex?”

That, in a nutshell, was what Ruby was afraid of. Had their entire relationship been built on the physical? On the fact that Travis barely had to look at her and she orgasmed? Was that why they’d failed so horribly at all the real stuff? The emotional stuff? The relationship stuff?

She nodded and buried her face in her hands. “What have I done?” she muttered.

“This is going to sound weird coming from me, but do you want some advice?” Sidney asked.

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