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He proceeded cautiously now, noiselessly creeping ahead, and when he felt a gentle barrier in the air, he paused, tail twitching back and forth as he began to pace along the invisible perimeter.

He stilled, feeling helpless and agitated as he continued to study the area. He could see a small structure off to the right, built of stone and quite rough in its design. His eyes began to glow as he noticed the eagle etching above the door.

Without thought he moved forward and was immediately zapped by an energy source that ripped across his black pelt. He hissed and jumped back. There was no way he could cross the protection ward.

It was ancient, powerful magick.

He stood there, uncertain, his rage building steadily as his eyes flew back and forth, looking for a way in. He turned in a circle, scented the wind once more, anxious, confused. He continued to pace along the perimeter and when he saw her he stopped, transfixed by the ethereal beauty and fragile sadness that clung to her.

Long strands of her hair snaked out into the air as the breeze lifted them into a halo that surrounded her head like a twisted crown. His heart ached and he growled loudly, again and again until she turned to him.

The look on her face tore into his heart and he rushed forward, crying out as once more the energy that held him out sizzled against his flesh. When he heard her voice, he sent a keening cry erupting from deep within, and his tail flicked back and forth in agitation.


Her soft voice was hoarse and Jagger could do nothing but stare at her, his body and mind in agony over his inability to get to her. He cried out again, the bark rough, and he began to pace along the edge of the protection ward once more, his eyes never leaving Skye’s.

He reached out with a paw and took the hit of energy that cut across him sharply, hissing again. It was no use. She would have to come to him, but Jagger could see that something was wrong.

Something terrible.

Slowly, she began to walk toward him. He could see she’d been crying and his heart ached with the need to comfort her. She paused just on the other side of the barrier, and as their eyes connected something broke inside of him. His body began to tremble with the ferocity of it all as a great well of emotion threatened to consume him.

“I hoped you’d come for me,” she said haltingly. “It’s gone.” She inhaled shakily and could barely get her words out. “The portal is missing and I don’t know what to do.”

Jagger growled and dug his great paws into the soft earth, wishing he could force his way through, but the magick was strong. It was nothing he was familiar with.

Skye shook her head and he hated the sad shadows that clung to her eyes. She looked so beaten. Defeated.

“There’s nothing left for me but you.” She paused and he knew she was trying desperately to gain hold of her emotions.

Jagger continued to pace behind the barrier and when she held her hand against it the entire wall of air pulsated into a solid form that slipped away into a shower of sparks. Energy shot out in every direction and then she was there in front of him, great sobs wracking her frame.

She knelt down and wrapped her arms around him, burying her head in the thick fur at his neck. He hated the sounds of her tears, hated the fact that she was so riddled with pain. He wanted nothing more than to make it all go away.

Silently the mist began to crawl along the earth until it wrapped around his body and he felt her arms loosen as his body began to change and shift. The fur rippled away from his body, leaving the hard flesh of his human self in its place.

And then she was there, all around him, her scent and her touch coating his body in its unique aura. Her arms wrapped around his midsection and she held onto him as if the hounds of hell themselves were after her.

The need to make her his cracked a hole inside of him that he knew no one else could ever fill.

“Jagger, I’ve failed my father.” Her voice was nothing more than a touch of whisper, and she trembled in his arms, struggling to articulate what she was feeling. Deep, heavy shudders wracked her frame. “I’ve failed him and my people. If only I’d gotten here sooner.” She looked up at him and his heart constricted as he slowly took in her pinched features, her gray complexion, and quivering mouth.

“If only I’d escaped the DaCostas sooner, or gotten to Finn before …”

Her eyes were wide, their blue roundness nearly overwhelming as they shimmered beneath his gaze, filled with the pain of tears.

“Shhhhh, it’s okay, we’ll figure something out.” Jagger rubbed his hands along her back and crushed her as close as he could.

“Jagger, you don’t understand—”

He interrupted, his voice firm, wanting only to calm her frantic, pained state. “I understand the plan needs to be altered, but chica, there is always another way.”

Skye shook her head, her eyes swinging away from his. “If only it were that simple.”

She began to shiver violently and her fingers found their way to his chest, her sharp nails digging into his skin. “I don’t know if the portal was moved or taken.” Her eyes again met Jagger’s and he gently wiped the large tears that fell from them. “As long as it’s missing, my life is stuck in limbo, like fucking Groundhog Day.”

Her teeth were clenched and she was barely able to get the words out. “There’s no one else. They’re all gone. Dead. I just wanted it to be over. Finally.” Her soft sniff tugged at the last thread of his heart. “I’m so tired of all this life and death, I wish …”
