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Julian frowned, not caring for the challenge. “Why does it matter? What will change if you know?”

Jaden’s eyes darkened, the whites nearly receding as she narrowed them angrily. “If I know who the bastard is, I can tell him exactly why I’ll be cutting his balls off in the most painful way possible after I hunt his sorry ass down,” she snarled, and he was taken aback by the rage he sensed. “That someone would mark you in such a way is unacceptable.”

She turned from him, and he knew her control was rapidly fading. “We will destroy the portal. I will kill Azaiel myself, or anyone who stands in my way.”

She started to walk, and he had no choice but to follow the woman who would protect him as if he were nothing more than a child.

“And then I’m going to make whoever did that to you pay.”

A smile slipped into place and he shook his head, awed at the power and determination the woman possessed. She would protect him. How fucking bizarre. A DaCosta.

My DaCosta. The thought was bittersweet considering he had no clue what the hell was coming down the pike.

They slipped from the jungle refuge and quickly made their way back to the great room. It was near dawn, darkness still hung in the sky, and, through the windows, stars could be seen twinkling like diamonds.

The smell of food wafted toward them, and his belly rumbled. He turned immediately and followed Jaden across the foyer and into an extremely large, modern kitchen.

It was full. His gaze traveled across the room, taking in the shocked faces as everyone stared back at him and Jaden.

“Julian, what the hell happened to you?”

The harsh voice belonged to Jagger, and Julian squared his shoulders angrily, not liking the focus of so many. His brother’s eyes stared at the scars exposed on his chest, and they burned beneath Jagger’s gaze. He felt like a damned bug under a microscope.

The edges of his mind condensed and expanded as darkness seeped into the cracks. It was always there, the blackness. The rage.

“Do yo

u want a detailed play-by-play or the condensed version? It’s not like we have a whole lot of time,” he asked, frowning darkly as he stared at his brothers.

He fought the urge to cover himself, ashamed of the scars and what they represented. Weakness. Helplessness. He saw the horror on Skye’s face before their eyes connected, and she looked away.

It was Libby that pulled at his heartstrings.

Her eyes were huge as she rose from her seat and crossed to him, her hand reaching for his even though he flinched at her touch. He knew of the scars she carried. Of how the DaCostas had carved her flesh and left their own unique brand of tattoo behind.

She’d suffered as well, and he respected how far she’d come.

“Julian, Mr. M has made pretty much every breakfast item you can think of. Please help yourself.” Her eyes strayed to the scars on his chest, and he tried not to show his aversion as she rested her hand against them. He was unsuccessful. She ignored his discomfort, and whispered, “They’ll fade, and, eventually, the memories will as well.” She looked at Jaden, her eyes sad. “Life goes on, and we learn to deal.” She squeezed his hand. “You’re not alone, Julian, even if it feels like that. Your family loves you.”

He shook his head politely and withdrew his hand, murmuring, “I’m gonna grab a coffee.”

Jaden followed him to the side table, and they both poured themselves a strong cup of brew. Her dark eyes never left him, and he was starting to feel confined, like he needed to shift and run.

Declan joined them, his face grim.

“You look like crap,” Julian said as he studied the sorcerer. The man looked like he’d not slept in days, which Julian knew from personal experience was most likely the case.

“Beggin’ pardon, but not everyone got laid last night.” Declan winked and laughed softly as his gaze moved to Jaden. “Lucky son of a bitch.”

Julian’s chest rumbled, and his nostrils flared. “Move away from her.”

Declan paid him no mind and continued on, his tone light, though the fire that lit his eyes was anything but. Julian sensed the darkness inside the Irishman and thought that maybe the sorcerer was closer to the edge than he realized.

“I think your woman can more than take care of herself, and if I’m guessing right, won’t take too kindly to having you decide who gets to stand next to her.” He flashed a grin. “Besides, she smells really good.”

Julian’s animal shifted, and his skin burned as he bared his teeth.

“Julian, it’s okay.” Jaden put her hand on his arm, and his anger receded. She turned to Declan, and her voice was curt. “You will stop antagonizing him. Do not cross me on this. Everybody needs to be on top of their game. I don’t have to remind you how high the stakes are today and what will happen if we fail.”

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