Page 59 of Adoration

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‘We will make the announcement in The Times, of our marriage,’ Morgan replied firmly.

Alicia shook her head as if to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming. Grabbing her daughter by the elbow she steered her out of the room and promptly closed the door.

When they were alone, Morgan turned to Sissy.

‘Why are they back?’ Sissy cried, more than a little embarrassed.

‘We will soon find out,’ Morgan replied but, before he allowed her out of the bed, he settled her more firmly against him. ‘Now, we have a very busy day ahead of us. I meant every word when I said that I want the vicar summoned. If we send for the magistrate, he can oversee the papers. We can have the wedding today.’

‘People will talk,’ Sissy murmured looking a little worried.

‘Do you care?’ Morgan challenged.

Sissy contemplated that carefully. ‘No, I really don’t care. I don’t know when things changed, or what has happened to make me alter my opinion but I really don’t care what anybody thinks. If you are sure that this is what you want then I think we should have the wedding today. I am not ever going to change the way I feel about you. I love you so much I cannot possibly contemplate marriage to anybody else, or a life without you.’

‘Good. Nor should you, especially now,’ Morgan replied firmly. ‘That is settled then.’

Heaving himself out of bed, he went to find his clothes, but only once he had fetched another day dress from the boxes still in the blue guest bed chamber.

‘We will sort you out a wardrobe for you once everything has settled down a bit. For now, this might be suitable. What do you think?’ he asked, holding up the most exquisite dress Sissy had ever seen.

‘It’s beautiful,’ Sissy whispered a little breathlessly.

Morgan draped it over the end of the bed but, before he left to dress, hauled her into his arms for a very loving kiss.

‘I will see you downstairs in a minute,’ he promised before quietly letting himself out of the room.

By the time Sissy had dressed, Morgan was waiting for her on the landing. She smiled when she saw him, incredibly relieved that he hadn’t left her to face his mother and sister alone. He held a gentlemanly elbow out to her but swept her into his arms for another kiss when she reached for him.

Sissy was consequently flushed and a little rumpled when he eventually released her but looked even more stunning than she ever had before. There was a sparkle in her eyes now, and a healthy glow to her cheeks that he couldn’t ever remember seeing before. It was even more enchanti

ng and made him want to do nothing more than sit and stare lovingly at her.

When they arrived in the morning room it was to find Alicia and Mariette already there taking tea.

‘What happened?’ Morgan began when he had seated Sissy and positioned himself beside her.

Alicia handed Sissy a cup of tea, a little stunned by the transformation in her. Everything about her seemed less timid, and shockingly beautiful. Even Mariette seemed to see it because there was none of her spiteful looks or snide comments. She was merely gazing at Sissy as if she had never seen her before as well. Moreover, she was staring at her brother as if he was a stranger too. Neither she nor Alicia had seen this softer side of Morgan, well, ever. There was something in the look on his face whenever he glanced sideways at Sissy that was softly adoring that warned them both that his feelings ran deep; far deeper than they could ever have guessed was possible.

‘My God, you really do love her,’ Mariette murmured, the words tripping off her lips before she could stop them.

‘Yes, I do. Now, tell me, why are you two not on your way to Scotland?’ Morgan demanded.

‘The carriage is broken,’ Alicia reported. ‘Hargreaves noticed it wasn’t driving properly. He has taken it to a blacksmith but he couldn’t fix it. He advised us to bring it back here so you could get someone to repair it on the estate. Apparently, it is something to do with the wheels. They need to be taken apart or something. A quick repair isn’t possible. Hargreaves said that we had no choice but to come back. We have been travelling all night. I am exhausted.’

‘It is a good thing we have returned,’ Mariette added. ‘Or we might have missed his wedding.’

Alicia nodded. ‘Boris has sent a footman to fetch the magistrate and the vicar by the way. Did you really mean it when you said that you were going to marry today?’

Morgan was already nodding before his mother had finished talking. ‘I meant every word of it. There is no reason to delay. Given the gossip going around, and how quickly our relationship has progressed, and the fact that we have both loved each other for a long time now, there is no reason to delay things anymore. I think we have both been miserable enough.’

Sissy agreed. ‘I never knew,’ she whispered. ‘I never believed it could be possible.’

‘Me neither if I am honest,’ Morgan conceded. ‘And by that I meant that you might find it in your heart to love me back.’

‘I do,’ she admitted, having no qualms about saying so in front of Mariette and his mother. She wanted them to know that she wasn’t after his wealth or title. None of that mattered, not to her in any case.

‘Well, we have plenty to organise but first, I need a quick nap,’ Alicia announced several moments later after much deliberation about when the reception should be held.
