Page 24 of Hopeless Heart

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Georgiana studied the small front door and smiled as memories of the last time she had been at the house came tumbling back.

“I can remember being here as a child,” she whispered. “I used to run around the rose bush until I fell over.” She nodded to the single rose bush located directly in front of the sitting room window and smiled.

“Is that on your list of things to do as well?” Mr Parker teased.

Georgiana laughed and shook her head. “I am a little too old for all of that now.”

Mr Parker snorted but did

n’t contradict her.

“Well, let’s see if your aunt is in then, shall we?”

Before Georgiana could reply, Henry knocked on the door.

Georgiana watched as it opened, and her aunt beamed a smile at Henry.

“Oh, hello,” she said curiously. It was then that she spotted Georgiana. The stunned surprise on her face made Georgiana wary, for a moment at least.

“Georgiana!” Ruth suddenly squealed, and burst out of the house in a wild flurry of waving arms and weeping.

Georgiana was swept into a perfumed hug that was endless and returned her aunt’s fierce embrace for several long moments while she savoured the effusiveness of her relation’s greeting.

“Hello, Aunt Ruth,” she whispered, too choked to say much more.

“Oh, Georgiana, you are here,” Ruth warbled around a sob. “What are you doing here? Are you all alone?”

She looked over her niece’s head at Mr Parker, who nodded slowly and carefully. A small frown of concern swept over Ruth’s features and she stood back to study the changes the years had wrought upon her niece.

“It is wonderful to see you. How grown you are. Why, you are a proper young lady now. How wonderful,” she murmured.

Georgiana opened her mouth to speak only for Ruth to wave toward the front door and drag Georgiana with her into the house.

“Come in, both of you. I will put a pot on to boil,” she offered.

“No, I shan’t if it is all the same to you, Ruth,” Henry said apologetically. “I need to get home to unpack and sort myself out, but I should love to call by and see you both another time if I may? Just to see how your delightful niece is getting on.”

“Oh, yes, that would be lovely,” Ruth replied. “You are welcome any time.”

Henry turned to Georgiana and bowed politely. “My dear, it has been a pleasure to meet you. My journey home has been delightful because of your company. I hope you enjoy your time with your aunt. Remember what we discussed. Should you need my help in any way please do not hesitate to call upon me.” He pointed to a tall, white house further down the street. “I live over there. Just knock.”

He turned around and hurried home waving a casual goodbye over his shoulder as he went before Georgiana could reply.

“You must be exhausted from all that travelling,” Ruth murmured in a most motherly fashion. “Come in and make yourself at home, my dear. While you are here, you must consider this your home too.”

“That’s very kind of you,” Georgiana murmured. “Especially when I have been so rude.”

“Rude, dear?” Ruth stopped plumping cushions and looked at her. “How have you been rude?”

“By arriving unannounced,” Georgiana explained. “I didn’t have the time to write to you, you see. Everything went horribly wrong at home and I just couldn’t bear living in Cecily’s company a moment longer. I am so stifled there I cannot breathe. I just had to get away but had nowhere else to go.”

A knowing glint appeared in Ruth’s eye. If she was honest, she had been expecting this exact circumstance any day now, especially since Georgiana had come of age. Anybody who spent any amount of time in Cecily’s company needed to take some time to themselves to recover. Cecily had a cloying personality that overwhelmed people and, for someone as kind hearted and loyal as Georgiana, that would inevitably lead to problems.

“I understand,” Ruth murmured.

Georgiana nodded. Her aunt was probably the only person alive who understood her point of view and agreed with it. In that moment she realised she had an ally, someone who would stand beside her and help her. It made the pressures and worries of her recent ordeal vanish. Unfortunately, weariness was left in its wake and she suddenly struggled to hide her exhaustion.

“Thank you,” Georgiana whispered.

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