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“I have told him ‘no,’” he said quietly. “And given him a reason why he must accept my decision.” He tightened his hold on her, lifted her to her toes so she had no choice but to look into his eyes. “Telling him he can’t have you wouldn’t ensure your safety. The situation is complex but you have to trust me, kalila. Now that I’ve said you are to be my wife, you’re safe.”

“And I have nothing to say about it?”

“No,” Caz said sharply. “Not unless you like the idea of having Ahmet as your husband.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! I’d never—”

“Then stop arguing, damn it! Why make such a fuss?”

Why, indeed? Megan thought. Caz had lied about their relationship. So what? Why this hollow feeling inside? Someday, this would make a great story. And then there was the time I was in this little country in the middle of nowhere, she’d say, and the guy who ruled it had to pretend he wanted to make me his wife…

“You’re right,” she said, forcing a smile to her lips. “What you did was creative. Heck, it’s brilliant. Ahmet’s a barbarian, but not even he would be foolish enough to try and steal his king’s fiancée.”

Part two, coming up, Caz thought grimly, and cleared his throat. “Unfortunately, he still might.”

“But—but you just said…”

“It isn’t enough.”

“It isn’t?” Megan shook her head. “You’re losing me, Caz. Didn’t you just tell me that I was safe? That now that Ahmet knows we’re—that he knows, he has to accept defeat?”

“Being betrothed isn’t the same as being wed.”

Such formal words, so calmly spoken. He might have been discussing the weather. Was she the only one who found the prospect of a phony engagement disturbing?

“Why not? He’ll never know that we aren’t really going to—”

“Of course he will,” Caz said impatiently. “I know you think you’ve stepped into a time warp, but news travels here the same as it does in your world.”

“Why are you putting words in my mouth? I don’t think that. I’m sure not everyone’s like Ahmet.”

“Yeah.” Caz nodded. “I’m sorry, kalila. I’m a little edgy.”

“Well, so am I. It isn’t every day I become engaged, especially to a sheikh.”

Megan smiled, to make sure he understood she was joking, but he didn’t return the smile. Instead his expression became grim.

“You might as well prepare yourself for another shock.”

“What shock? Why are you looking at me like that?” Her heart seemed to turn over. “Caz? What is it?”

“Ahmet may be a brute, but he isn’t stupid. Do you think he’d let you go just because I suddenly announced our engagement?” He moved closer to her, his eyes locked to hers. “He wants to give us a gift.”

“What kind of—”

“A wedding,” Caz said, his tone flat. “He offered to have our marriage take place here. Today.”

“And you said…” Her voice was scratchy. She cleared her throat and began again. “And you said, ‘thank you, but—’”

“And I said we would be delighted to have the ceremony here, in these magnificent mountains.”

Megan stared at him in stunned disbelief, waiting for him to smile and say it was all a joke, but his steady gaze assured her that he’d meant every word.


“You can’t say ‘no,’ Megan. I thought I made that clear.”

“I can say whatever I like, and my answer is—’’
