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br /> “Damn, but I’m a fool! Of course you’re tired. I’ve given you a rough few days.” Caz eased her to the ground, then dropped to his feet beside her and swept her into his arms. The crowd gave a throaty roar, but neither of them heard it. “Let’s get out of here.”

Hakim stepped forward, but the sheikh ignored his aide and carried Megan into the helicopter, settling her into a seat beside him. The ’copter blades began to whirr and the craft lifted, tilted forward and gathered speed until Ahmet and his men were black specks against the towering mountains.

Caz leaned close and put his mouth to Megan’s ear. “We’ll be home soon.”

She nodded and closed her eyes, afraid he might read the truth glittering in them.

Home wasn’t a palace by the sea. It wasn’t a condo in L.A.

Home was right here, by the side of the man she loved.

Days before, when they’d first arrived at the palace, a handful of men had greeted them. Caz had left her in Hakim’s care and driven off with the small delegation.

To a man, no one had acknowledged her presence.

It was all different now.

At least fifty men waited for them in the desert, a long line of Humvees purring behind them like big cats. The men bowed when Caz stepped onto the landing pad, but their dark eyes focused on Megan.

They know, she thought.

What had Caz told them? Had he explained he’d taken her as his wife to save her from Ahmet? Instinct told her they wouldn’t understand such a gallant gesture.

But he’d surely told them his marriage was one of convenience?

Then, why were so many of their glances hostile?

Caz greeted them pleasantly. He drew her forward and spoke some more; she heard him use her name. The men looked at her again, then murmured among themselves. Finally, one stepped forward, bowed and began talking, clearly directing his remarks to her.

“He welcomes you,” Caz said in a low voice.

Welcomes? She doubted it. She wanted to turn to Caz and burrow into his arms. Instead, she held her head high and smiled.

“Tell him I thank him for coming to greet me.”

“He says you have only to ask for whatever you wish and he will scour the earth to find it.”

“Tell him I thank him for that, too…and don’t mention that I really think he’d like to dab me with honey and tie me to an anthill.”

Caz’s mouth twitched. “I like the dabbing you with honey part, but only if I can replace the ants with my mouth.”

She felt her cheeks color. “Are you sure nobody here understands English?”

“I am positive, and what if they do?” He put his arm around her and drew her against his side. “A man may cherish his own wife.”


“And one I don’t intend to change. Come on, sweetheart. Tell Ari you’re grateful for all his good wishes.”

“Yes. Of course.” She looked at the men, smiled at the one who’d spoken for them all and saw their wary expressions turn to pleasure when she delivered the message in their own language. Caz grinned at her as he led her toward the Humvees.

“You’ve picked up some of our language,” he said. “I’m impressed…though nothing about you should surprise me any more.”

“Caz? How did they know about—about us?”

“I sent word,” he said as he handed her into the Hummer. “Some of these men are my advisors. It was important that they know of our marriage.”

“They think we’re really…”
