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Because he felt guilty that she’d loved him and he hadn’t felt the same? That she was pregnant with a baby he didn’t want?

Didn’t he realize none of that mattered now? She no longer loved him and didn’t need him to help her with the baby. She had this. Or she had before her wreck, and soon enough she’d be back on her feet and have her life back under control.

Trying to make as little noise as possible, she scooted up on the pillow, then slowly sat up, wincing in pain as she did so. Her eyes stayed on the sleeping man.

He didn’t really look as if the past month had been overly good to him. He looked tired. Plus, he’d lost weight from his already lean frame, making his face look a little gaunt.

Her bladder reminded her of why she’d awakened. She’d toured the apartment with him prior to his leasing it so she knew where the guest bathroom was. She hated to wake Charlie to help her to the toilet when she’d be just fine going by herself. She preferred going by herself.

She didn’t need him for that either.

Gritting her teeth to keep from groaning at the pain, she slowly stood from the sofa, made sure she wasn’t tangled in the blanket, then hobbled to the bathroom.

See, she had this, and hadn’t needed him at all.

* * *

Charlie woke with a start, his eyes immediately going to the sofa.

The empty sofa.

Savannah was gone.

“Savannah?” he called, leaping out of his chair. “Savannah?”

“Here,” she answered, calming his racing heart as she limped into the living room. “I had to go to the bathroom.”

“You should have woken me.”

“Why?” she asked, settling back onto the sofa without taking the hand he offered. “I’ve been going to the bathroom by myself for more than two decades.”

“Why can’t you accept my help?”

“I am accepting your help. I’m here, aren’t I? But I refuse to be treated like an invalid. I can see myself to the bathroom without you hovering over me.”

“Point taken, but for the record I want to hover over you.”

“Why?” she asked, staring at him pointedly. When he didn’t immediately answer, she shook her head. “Never mind. Forget I asked. I don’t want to know.”

Which was just as well because he didn’t know the answer—just that he wanted to take care of her.

“Are you hungry?”

She didn’t look interested in food. Or much of anything else other than closing him out. “Not really, but I know I need to eat for the baby.”

“And for you,” he reminded.

She shrugged. “The baby is more important.”

Charlie didn’t respond because she wouldn’t like his answer. “What would you like?”

“Just whatever you have is fine.”

“My housekeeper grocery shopped today. I put several items I knew you like on her list. I can make you pretty much anything.”

“Make me a fairy princess,” she said without looking at him and without any inflection in her voice.

“Let me clarify,” he began. “I can make you anything to eat you want. If I don’t have whatever it is you’re hungry for, I can run down the street and pick it up at the grocery store on the corner.”
