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Sophie’s heart began to speed up, her throat constricting as she listened to him.

‘It’s yours, whatever you need, my house in London or the palazzo in Venice or somewhere new. For me they are just places, but I want to help you find a home, the right home for you and the baby. If you’ll let me. I don’t have much else to offer, I realise that now. Strip away my name, strip away my family and there’s not much there. I told myself that I didn’t need them, that I was enough by myself, yet at the same time I coasted along comfortably on all they brought me. I admit, I didn’t think I needed to ask whether you wanted to marry me or not. I’d spent so long running from marriage it didn’t occur to me that you might turn me down, want something different for your life. I was an arrogant fool.’

His eyes, still steady on hers, were heavy with sadness and she impulsively lifted a hand to his cheek. ‘No, you had good reason to feel that way. I was with you, at that wedding. I saw how people looked at you. I heard what they said. And if I was someone else, if I hadn’t been so broken, then maybe I would have said yes. Maybe respect and chemistry would have been enough.’

He shook his head. ‘No, you were right. Love is the only basis for marriage. It should be. It’s hard enough to succeed at something so huge without starting out short. I didn’t think I was the kind of man who could love, but you’ve taught me differently.’

Her pulse began to hammer so loudly the rest of the world was drowned out. Was he saying what she thought he was saying?

‘I thought of love as selfish, as needy, as constrictive. I thought love meant giving up who you are, what you are. But now I know it means wanting the best for someone else regardless of the cost to you. Tell me what you need from me and I’ll do it. Anything. All I want is to be the best father I can be to our child, to make you as proud of me as I am of you.’

All the surety had been wiped away, replaced with a heartfelt expression and the kind of tenderness Sophie hadn’t believed could exist in the world, not for her. Scarcely believing, she stared into his face and saw the truth blazing out. He loved her, not because of what she could do, nor because of how she made him feel, but because of who she was.

‘Anything?’ She couldn’t believe her voice was so steady.

‘Anything,’ he confirmed.

‘Then marry me.’ She hadn’t even known that was what she was going to say, but as soon as she said the words she knew they were right. That they were perfect. ‘Marry me three weeks from now in a small ceremony here in London. Just like you wanted, only with the people we love and the people who love us celebrating with us because a wedding should be a celebration, always.’

‘It should. I was a fool to think any differently. Sophie, are you sure? You don’t have to do this.’

‘Surer than I have ever been about anything. I love you, Marco. Saying no to you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t love me again, not even for the baby.’

‘You won’t need to,’ he vowed. ‘Because I love you more than I ever thought possible.’ He grinned. ‘See how far I’ve come? My machismo is not even slightly dented by your proposal.’

‘You did propose to me twice first,’ she pointed out. ‘Although the first time was more of a fait accompli than an actual proposal.’

Marco caught both her hands in his. ‘Not only do I accept your proposal, but I’ll make you a promise, here and now, as binding as any wedding vow. We’re a team. I’ll always remember that. I won’t ever try to control you, try to stop you from fulfilling your dreams, from being the person you want to be.’

‘That’s all I need.’ She laced her fingers through his; now she could hold on to him she didn’t want to ever let go. ‘That’s all I ever needed. Your promise and you.’

And as he bent his head to hers to seal their bargain with a kiss Sophie knew she was home at last. London, Venice, a narrowboat cruising the country, wherever Marco was she would be too. She finally had a place of her own.

* * * * *
