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Blake couldn’t remember a time he had been more excited. Okay, maybe a few came to mind. The day he married Mel in the little chapel in Highland Park. It was September and gorgeous. The air was warm and crisp, with the hint of autumn to come. The sky was blue, and as he said his vows in front of Mel’s parents, his brother, their friends, their kids, Blake knew he was the luckiest man in the world.

The day they returned from their honeymoon and he revealed to Mel his wedding present for her—a completely remodeled kitchen—ranked pretty highly, as well. He’d remembered everything she wanted from that long-ago date where they danced under the stars. But he supposed that didn’t even come close to competing with the day the triplets started to call him “Dad.” That day would be branded on his heart forever. It just sort of happened without him noticing. One day, he was Mr. B, and the next, he was Dad. But this . . . This was tough

to beat.

When the door opened, and the sonogram tech rushed in, his stomach jolted with excitement. Finally, after twenty weeks, he’d find out if they were having a little boy or a girl. “Ready?” he asked, Mel, beaming.

Mel exhaled with a grin. “Ready.”

The sonogram tech sat on her stool. She was a young woman, with black hair and a crooked smile. “Time to meet that baby,” she crooned. Then she grabbed a bottle off the cart next to her. “This will be a little cold,” she said and squirted a generous glob of gel onto Mel’s stomach. Next, she placed the wand onto Mel’s belly and began to move it slowly as a picture came into view.

Blake gasped. There it was—their baby. Not just a little white peanut on the screen like her early sonogram, but an actual baby. And it was beautiful.

Blake stared in amazement as his baby jerked suddenly, it’s little heart beating like a drum.

“You wanted to know the sex, right?” the tech asked, staring at the screen.

“Yes,” Blake blurted.

“But first,” Mel said. “You’re positive there’s only one in there? There’s not another one hiding behind this one, right? You would know?”

The tech laughed. “I’m positive. We would definitely see if there was another baby in there.”


“Mel,” Blake squeezed her hand, “the doctor’s already told you a million times that your situation the first time around was different. You would definitely see twins.”

“Right.” Mel sighed. “Okay.”

“I wouldn’t have minded twins though.”

Mel shot him a dirty look and poked him in the ribs.

“What? I wouldn’t.” He stared at her in wide-eyed innocence.

“Well, I, on the other hand, am happy to have one. Think about it, Blake,” she said in awe. “Last time, it was just me. It was three-on-one. This time, it’ll be a game-changer. The stakes are reversed. I have you and only one baby. Two-on-one. Can you imagine? This one will be a cakewalk in comparison.”

“Don’t speak too soon.” Blake laughed. “And you’re kind of forgetting the other three. Face it, babe, we’re still outnumbered.”

The tech chuckled. “Well, whether you have an angel baby or a spirited one, you are most definitely having,” she paused, grinning, then announced, “a girl!”

A girl! A little girl.

Blake watched the screen. The baby turned and swiveled toward them, a thumb in its mouth, and Blake’s heart skipped a beat. Already, he was in love.

“Kinsley is going to be thrilled,” he said.

“And the boys will be angry.” Mel laughed.

He gazed at his wife, taking in the sight of her. More than ever, he was grateful for everything the past year had brought him. Twelve months ago, he had no idea life could be like this—so full. And now he wouldn’t give this up for anything in the world.

Mel turned to him, as if sensing the direction of his thoughts and smiled.

He brought the back of her hand to his mouth, then placed a kiss over her soft skin as her wedding band glinted under the light.

Turned out, Mel’s prediction about Craig had been spot-on. He stuck around for a couple weeks after the PopNewz party. Long enough to start his new job with Garrison and subsequently get fired. Then he vanished. But Mel had been prepared for his exit, so she barely batted an eye. Blake, on the other hand, was secretly (and selfishly) glad to have Mel and the kids all to himself. One day, they’d have to explain about Craig to the kids in a way that didn’t hurt, in a way they could understand. But for today and every day, Blake was just glad to be called “Dad.”

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