Page 225 of Say Yes, Senator

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Well, only one way to find out.

I took a pregnancy test from the drawer under the sink and breathed deeply before using it, locking the door in case Jack rose to see what I was doing.

I placed the test on the counter and began pacing nervously, reading and re-reading the instruction manual. I waited for what I guessed was enough time for the results to be showing. I sighed with relief as I saw the result.


Later that day Jack and I were sitting at my kitchen table, a big lunch finished on the table in front of us. Jack patted his belly contentedly. A smile crossed my face as I stared at him, love in my eyes. He smiled back, a huge grin spreading across his handsome face.

I rose to go to the fridge, grabbing a cold beer for Jack. He exhaled a big lungful of air.

“Had enough of that last night. Might wait until tomorrow,” he said, shaking his head.

“Open it. Drink some.” He frowned at me, cracking open the can and taking a big swig.

“I’ve got something to tell you.” His face froze with shock. Dread spread across his features. I took a big breath, exhaling slowly.

“I’m pregnant, Jack.”

He nearly spat the beer out on the plate in front of him. Eyes wide with panic as he looked up at me.

“Wha… what? How… I mean how do you know?” His unassailable confidence had vanished, and for once I saw fear in his eyes. Then he started to smile nervously at me.

“Pregnant. Wow. Ok, that’s good. Isn’t it?” I laughed at him and went over to sit on his lap.

“Yup. ‘Fraid so, Jack. I mean, you did it to me. So it’s your fault, really.” I poked him in the chest.

“Well, I didn’t hear you complaining!” We both laughed, though Jack was still in shock.

“Wonder if it's a boy or girl? Shit, we need a bigger house, Eden. We…”

“Whoa, slow down Jack. We’ve got nine months to get that sorted. Don’t worry. Try and relax.” He nodded. I squeezed his shoulder.

He looked up at me, eyes looking intensely into mine.

“Guess that means I’ll have to marry you now, right?” His eyes sparkled with humor. I slapped him playfully on the chest.

“Jack Storm. If that isn’t the best proposal a girl has ever heard, then I don’t know what is! Now, kiss me. And carry me back upstairs. I’ve got something to show you…”

Say Yes, Senator
