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I called to Wes. He was making faces at Charlotte. “Is the food out?”

“Yep.” He swished the baby back and forth.

“She’s still not a football, you know.” I giggled. I loved watching him with her. He made silly faces and sang songs. Most of them were fight songs from college, but they seemed to make her laugh.

“Doesn’t mean she can’t learn.”

While I was showering he had gotten her up from her nap and dressed her in a Wranglers onesie. I’d be lucky if he ever let her wear pink. We hadn’t started talking baby number two yet, but it was only a matter of time. If only for Charlotte’s sake, I needed to give this man a son.

“We’ll let you get dressed. I’m going to out the pre-game on.”

“All right.” I toweled off my hair.

By the time I was dressed and made it to the living room my in-laws had arrived. Gloria was holding Charlotte and Bud was making a fish face at her.

The good thing about grandparents was it freed up our hands. Wes was grumbling at the TV. They were showing last year’s Super Bowl highlights and questioning why the Wranglers hadn’t made it to defend their title.

I sat next to him on the couch and wrapped an arm around the hard muscles in his shoulders.

“Next season you’ll be there again.”

His furrowed brow lightened. “Fuck right.” He covered his mouth and looked around. His parents were too busy with Charlotte to have heard him.

I eyed him. “One day our daughter’s first word is going to be fuck and I’m going to punch you.”

“Sorry.” He reached for the remote and turned up the volume. According to the countdown clock we were still twenty minutes from the coin toss. This was going to be a long night.

Thank God, I didn’t schedule any morning patients at the hospital.

Wes picked up his phone when it started buzzing. “Stubbs, can you believe this shit?”

I eyed him with a death stare. He stood and walked to the bedroom where the game was also on full blast.

There was only so much I could expect to change in the man. I knew who I married. And I fucking loved him. Dirty mouth. Dirty thoughts. The dirty things he did to me in bed. I smiled. And then there was the man who changed diapers at 3 a.m. The man who watched over me during my entire pregnancy. The man who would die before he’d let anything happen to our little girl. I couldn’t have one without the other.

I listened to Gloria and Bud blow bubbles at Charlotte and curled my legs behind me on the couch.

I had moved to San Antonio focused on medicine. Focused on finding a new life for myself. And in this room I had it all. A new family and a man I would love the rest of my life.
