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“What is it now?”

“So, I was out with Lucas last night. And we went to this fabulous restaurant that reminded me a lot of that one we went to in Myrtle that one time? You know, the one with the shrimp cocktail and the shellfish cocktail?”

“Yeah?” I sighed.

“Yeah. It was incredible. We had the best time and I have to take you there soon. Anyway, we were drinking our sweet tea and talking about how much fun we had in Vegas.”

“Uh huh.”

“And we talked about possibly going again and having a good time with just the two of us. I mean, not the two of us. But me and him.”

I rolled my eyes as I zoned out during Jessica’s ramble. She always got this way when she felt flustered. And I had no idea what the hell she had to be flustered about at nine in the morning. I laid there and closed my eyes, feeling how my body molded to Everett. How his thick, strong body laid against mine, holding me as close as he could. I closed my eyes as Jessica’s voice drifted off into the background. I wanted her to be done so I could get back to snuggling against his chest.


“What?” I asked, groaning.

“Are you still listening to me?”

“Jessica, I’m really glad you had a good night with Lucas, but I sort of have to—”

“No. You really weren’t listening. You mean I built that entire story up and you didn’t even hear the punchline?”

“Just give me the damn punchline then, Jessica. I haven’t had coffee yet.”

“Lucas knows.”

My eyes shot open and the blood in my veins froze.

“What?” I asked.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. It just sort of slipped out.”

“What do you mean he knows? What do you mean it slipped out?”

Everett groaned beside me and shifted in bed.

“Holy shit. Lucas was right,” Jessica said breathlessly.

“Right about what?” I asked.

“Jessica, we were talking all over dinner last night about hooking the two of you up. I mean, Lucas was all like, “She would be great for Everett,’ and I was all like, ‘Yeah, she really would.’ But then my nervous laughter gave it away and Lucas poked me about it all night and I finally spilled the beans this morning when he caught me in a vulnerable state and you didn’t really want me lying to my new boyfriend, did you? That’s no way to start a relationship.”

“You promised me, Jessica. I promised Everett you wouldn’t say anything!”

“Who’s that?” Everett asked.

I held up my finger to him and felt him set up in bed.

“What did you mean Lucas was right?” I asked.

“Well, when I accidentally told him this morning, he started calling Everett. Like, over and over again. And when he couldn't find Everett, he might have asked me where you lived.”

“And you told him?! Are you insane!?”

“I’m sorry, Andrea. He was upset and rattling on about the fire and the business and how this was all reckless and how he needed to get to Everett and talk immediately.”

“So, you mean to tell me a very angry Lucas is headed over here right now?” I asked.
