Page 42 of Twins Make Four

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Gullibility was something that had never been a problem for me in the professional world, otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to create a multibillion dollar firm. It was an entirely different story when it came to my personal life, on the other hand.

I never thought anyone could break my heart more than my last ex, but now, it seemed that Scarlet Kale had finally given her a run for her money, no pun intended.

Casting one last glance at Scarlet, I tossed her phone onto the bed and headed straight for the door. While I didn’t want to think the worst of her, after those text messages, it was hard for me to think any better. I needed to keep my cool though. And I needed keep a close watch on how things played out because if one thing was for sure, it was that I would never again let another woman use me for my money. If Scarlet was trying to pull a fast one over me, she was going to be in for a rude awakening.

But for now, I would stay calm and play along until I had further information.

At the last minute, before heading out the door, I took the small pad of paper beside the hotel room phone and scribbled a quick note for Scarlet. Then I quietly left, once again, struggling to make sense of what I had gotten myself into with this woman.



I stretched, feeling content and refreshed. I had needed that nap just as much as I’d needed Tobias’s reassurance. Thinking of him brought a smile to my face. Yet, I rolled over to find the bed empty and cold from his absence.

I struggled into a sitting position and glanced around the hotel room. I frowned, seeing that I was alone. His clothes, phone, and keys were gone.

How could he have just left without bothering to say goodbye? Something didn’t feel right.

I climbed out of bed, knowing that it was probably past time for me to have checked out of the hotel already. Fortunately, the girl at the front desk was so smitten with Tobias that she was probably being lenient with me. Regardless, I was glad that I had already packed my belongings. The only additional things I needed to gather were the two bouquets of roses Tobias had given me.

Standing up, I slowly stretched again and I noticed a scribbled note on the nightstand beside the phone. I walked over to it, recognizing Tobias’s handwriting, remembering it from four months ago when he had left me the note about feeling free to order room service if I wanted to.

My eyes quickly scanned over the note, which read: We need to talk, but not now. I need some time.

I blinked, feeling a brick going through my stomach that had nothing to do with the babies. Tobias’s hurried handwriting confirmed what I’d been feeling all along since waking up. Something was wrong.

Still staring at the note, I shook my head.

The implications behind the note were clear. Tobias was suddenly having second thoughts about me and the babies for some reason. But why? How had things changed between us so quickly? How had things managed to change in my sleep, for crying out loud? The two of us had been in perfect bliss before I’d fallen to sleep, so what could have made him so suddenly have a change of heart after promising to be there for me?

It just didn’t make sense.

I sank down onto the bed, my mind spinning in circles.

As the pregnant and hormonal one, I was the one who should have been dealing with unpredictable mood swings, not him.

I looked to the nightstand again for my phone, only to find that it wasn’t there.

Did he take my phone? He couldn’t have…

Confused, I glanced around the room, breathing a sigh of relief to find my phone tossed on the bed. I could have sworn I’d left it on the nightstand, but that was beside the point at the moment. For now, I needed to figure out what was wrong and why Tobias was being so hot and then cold with me.

I tapped my phone’s screen and immediately scrolled through my contacts for his name. I had a feeling he wouldn’t answer though, and I was proven right when my call went to voicemail. Although I didn’t leave a message, it didn’t stop me from calling back two more times.

Swearing, I realized there was nothing much left for me to do but get on the road to head back home. Whatever was going on with Tobias would have to be worked out later if I didn’t want to get charged for completely overstaying my welcome.

Remember, don’t stress yourself, a voice in my head reminded.

Just as I was about to set my phone down, I noticed that I had a missed call from Mila. Although Tobias was a much bigger concern at the moment, I knew that ignoring Mila for too long would just cause additional problems that I wouldn’t feel like being bothered with. Sighing, I reluctantly called her back, knowing that she would worry otherwise.

“Scarlet!” she answered almost immediately after the first ring.

“Hey Mila,” I said.

“Uh oh. What’s wrong?”

I swallowed, my throat feeling too tight. “I wish I knew.”
