Page 12 of Playing with Her

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“Damn right you are,” he growled, and that brief taste of tenderness dissipated beneath the onslaught of a deeper, more possessive, tongue-tangling kiss. She moaned at the sweet, decadent invasion, and when he finally let her back up for air again, he was grinning down at her.

“How did I get so lucky to have you?” he asked quite seriously.

“Luck had nothing to do with it,” she reminded him impudently. “It was pure coercion on my part.”

He laughed. “True. You wore me down, and I couldn’t be happier that you did.”

She was glad she’d taken the risk, too, because this man was everything to her. Her heart. Her future. And she couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life loving him and being loved by him.

I hope you enjoyed this hot, sexy revisit with Mac and Stephanie!

Curious to know what happens between Summer, Rick, and Declan? Then don’t miss their sizzling story in PLAYING WITH DESIRE.


bsp; Have you had the chance to meet Dean and Jillian in The Marriage Diaries, where it all began between this married couple? If not, enjoy this hot and sexy fan-favorite scene between the two of them!


Even after nearly twenty years of marriage, Jillian Noble is still madly in love with her sexy-as-sin husband, Dean. But now that their two sons are grown and it’s just the two of them alone again, there’s something that Jillian wants from her husband. Something he’s been holding back since the day they met—the dominant man he rarely lets show.

Now she wants it all, and when Dean agrees to unleash his more assertive side, all bets are off as he introduces her to dark, forbidden desires that will change the course of their marriage.

A diary entry from Jillian Noble:

I love my husband. My sexy, alpha, ex-Navy SEAL. He still does it for me, but after nineteen years of marriage, our sex life has become routine. Some might call it vanilla. With our sons grown and out of the house, I’m ready to reinvent our relationship. I want more than ordinary sex. I’m ready to explore the forbidden and erotic, with a little kink and no more holding back.

Now, if I can convince my husband to give in to his own dark desires, all my fantasies will come true.


“Come on, Jill, you can do it. It’s not as though you’ve never seduced your husband before.”

Sitting in her parked car, Jillian Noble exhaled a deep breath and waited for her encouraging pep talk to take effect and ease her nerves. Biting absently on her bottom lip, she stared up at the glass and chrome building where her husband’s security consulting firm, Noble & Associates, resided on the twenty-eighth floor of the San Diego building. It was nearly two in the afternoon, and with Dean’s silver Aston Martin Vantage coupe tucked neatly into his reserved spot, she knew he was in his office.

Now, it was just a matter of her gathering up the courage to saunter into Dean’s domain and show her husband of nearly twenty years that she wanted to shake up their sex life.

At the age of thirty-eight, as well as being an ex-Navy SEAL who regularly trained with the men he hired to work for his security firm, Dean was still a gorgeous, virile man who enjoyed sex just as much as she did. But years of her focusing on raising her two sons along with being a wife and mother, and Dean working crazy long hours to ensure his security company was a success, well, the intimacy between them had become too predictable and routine. Somewhere along the way, they’d lost the intensity, the excitement and spontaneity, and she wanted all that back again . . . and much, much more.

Now that both boys were away—one in college and one enlisted in the Navy—and it was just her and Dean, she was ready to make the two of them a priority and revive their sex life in a major way, and take them both places they’d never dared to go before. Dark, erotic places she instinctively knew her husband had shied away from because he feared there was a part of his abusive father lurking deep inside him, and his biggest fear had always been that he’d go too far and hurt her.

With all her heart and soul, Jill knew her husband would never physically harm her, despite his own doubts. He’d never, ever, laid a hand on either of their two boys, not even when she, herself, wanted to strangle one of them for their idiotic teenage antics. Instead, Dean had taken the quiet and direct approach in disciplining their sons – starting with a strict discussion about right and wrong, and then he’d doled out their punishment, which usually included some kind of hard labor that gave them plenty of time to think about the stupidity of their actions.

Simple, but always effective.

A small smile curved the corner of her mouth. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit that Dean could absolutely be over-bearing, possessive, and a bit controlling at times, but in their nineteen years of marriage, he’d never given her a reason not to trust him, in all ways.

Today would be the defining factor in their marriage. In the past, just as thing got interesting in the bedroom, he’d pull back and gentle his touch and soften his words. The romance of making love had its place, but she wanted the raw, primitive man she knew Dean could be. And if it took a bit of coaxing to get him to release that staunch control of his and let go of all those fears holding him back, well, she figured she might as well have fun giving it her best shot.

Exhaling a deep breath, she stepped out of her Chevy Suburban and headed toward the building, her four inch black stilettos clicking on the paved walkway, then the marbled floors inside the lobby. Reaching the elevators, she stepped inside and punched the button for the twenty-eight floor.

On the flight up, she battled the nerves fluttering in her belly, the ones that made her question her sanity for going through with her outrageous plan. But then the double doors whooshed opened and Gail, the firm’s long time secretary, glanced up and greeted her with a genuine smile.

Now that Jill had been seen and recognized, there was no backing out now, so she walked into the plush reception area and stopped at the older woman’s desk.

“Good afternoon, Jill,” the other woman said, as warm and welcoming as always.

Jill smiled and tried to act casual, even though she was feeling anything but calm inside. “Hi, Gail. I’m here to see Dean. Is he available?”
