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“We’re good. You can head home.”

“Yeah, maybe…” He had no plans for the rest of the day. He could go home and

rattle around his empty house… or head to SkyLoft and try to “innocently” bump into Erin Johnson. Before he could reconsider his plan, he turned toward home.

* * *

Jake stood with his back to the railing of the rooftop bar, sipping a glass of iced tea. He scanned the crowd and didn’t see Erin. Had the group gone somewhere else? Maybe Austin hadn’t heard right.

Jake was here now, though, so he may as well relax for a few minutes and enjoy his iced tea. He never took enough time to appreciate his adopted hometown. He turned and looked out at the Pacific Ocean, ignoring the growing crowd behind him. The steady crashing of waves over the rocks soothing his rattled nerves. After draining the last drops of amber liquid, he turned around.

Happy hour, indeed. Most of the patrons were laughing and talking, smiles on their faces. Several couples shared a quiet moment at the bar or the few tables spread around the dining area. One more drink and he’d call it quits.

He took a step and pulled up short. Erin was standing with a group of ladies at the bar.

He hesitated a moment. Lindsay had made him gun-shy but he wasn’t so out of practice that he didn’t know how to approach a beautiful woman. After a few deep breaths and with a new determination, he strode across the floor, hesitating only briefly before tapping Erin on the shoulder.

She turned. “Hi, Erin.”

Her eyes lit up and a huge smile broke across her face. After speaking to the woman beside her, she turned back to him. “Fancy meeting you here.”

“No, not really.” He didn’t want to start off a potential relationship with a lie. Especially after Lindsay. “Austin overheard you guys talking and told me you were coming here. Since I didn’t get a chance to talk to you when I left the office, I thought I’d look for you.”

“You came here to see me?”

Heat rose on his cheeks. “Yeah.”

Her face colored, too. “Well, I’m glad you did.”

“Can I buy you something a drink?”

“Sure. I’ll just take a soda.”

She was at happy hour and he expected her to have a cocktail, but he was happy with her choice. He intended to have a clear mind so he could get to know this intriguing woman and he appreciated that she was doing the same.

Chapter Three

OH MY GOSH! Oh my gosh! The phrase ran on repeat in Erin’s mind as she drew in a deep breath. Her hands shook and she pressed them down on the bar while she waited for her drink. The man she’d met at the office was standing beside her. Talking to her. She and the girls had left for happy hour before he’d finished with Austin. She’d been disappointed but needed this night out and didn’t want them to go without her.

He’d come here… for her.

The bartender slid her soda across the bar and handed another glass to Jake. She had considered ordering a glass of wine but she didn’t drink often… and tonight she wanted to keep her wits about her.

Jack tipped his glass and she met it with her own. “So, do you come here often?”

Erin laughed. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh. But you have to admit, that was a cheesy greeting.”

He joined in her laughter. “I didn’t mean it that way. I don’t normally come to happy hour.”

“I don’t either. Only once in a while with the other women from the office. Not too often, though. I’ve been busy.” Too busy, yes, but also not interested in the local crowd. Not when she planned to leave town.

Jake leaned in close. It’s loud in here, she told herself. He leaned so he could hear her better. But his nearness had her heart racing faster. Honestly, it had kicked up a rapid beat the minute he rested his hand on her shoulder. She’d been so bogged down with life, so stifled for the past ten years, that she’d hardly noticed the men around her recently. So when a handsome man sought her out, it had her flustered.

She stiffened. She wasn’t staying in Laguna Beach much longer. After all of this time, after all of these years of responsibility, she would finally do something for herself. Somewhere else. Meeting a man in Laguna Beach wasn’t in her plans.

“I understand congratulations are in order.”

“What?” She shook her head. What could he be congratulating her about? She hadn’t told anyone about what she intended to do.
