Page 103 of Darcy in Hollywood

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Really, this was beyond ridiculous. Darcy tried not to laugh. “Aunt Catherine, if you are so concerned about our shades, you may visit Pemberley at any time and clean them yourself.”

Not giving her a chance to respond, Darcy gave his sister a nod, turned on his heel, and strode across the lawn in search of his bride.

Before he reached her, however, Darcy encountered Garrett and his boyfriend, Seth, who had just been speaking to Tom and Franny Bennet. “I hear you guys moved into a new place,” Darcy said to them.

“Yeah.” Garrett grinned. “Lots more room for sound equipment. Plus, this one keeps adopting dogs.” He tilted his head toward Seth.

Seth laughed. “You make it sound like I’m a hoarder. We have four dogs.”

“I had a quick question before the next board meet—” Garrett said to Darcy.

“Uh-uh,” Seth cut in. “This is Will’s wedding day. No shoptalk!”

In addition to working as a sound designer, Garrett also helped run the Darcy Foundation, which organized and hosted mentoring programs at studios for homeless teens. They were even flying in kids from other parts of the country now.

Garrett gave his boyfriend a sheepish smile. “All right, you caught me. I thought I could slip one in.”

“I’m sure you’ll have everything under control while I’m away,” Darcy assured the young man. “Right now, I have a desperate urge to see my wife.”

Seth turned to look at her. “She is simply radiant.” Darcy caught Garrett’s eye and mouthed, “Text me.” Garrett responded with a wink.

Darcy joined Elizabeth, who was in the midst of an animated conversation with Jane, resplendent in her purple maid of honor dress, and Ricky, who saluted his cousin with a glass of champagne. “Now

that you’re off the list of Hottest Bachelors, I’m hoping I have a chance,” he said with a grin at Jane, who gave him a playful slap on the arm.

Darcy laughed. “There was a time I thought you might make it to the altar before we did.”

As Jane entwined her fingers with Ricky’s, her diamond engagement ring sparkled. “We’re just waiting for a break in our schedules. Maybe sometime next year.”

Since In the Shadows had swept the Academy Awards—winning in every category for which it was nominated—everyone associated with the film had found their careers to be red hot. Past transgressions forgotten, Darcy now had his pick of the best roles. Roberta Perez was collaborating with Tom Bennet’s production company on their third movie project. Jane had been in demand for some of the edgiest film roles and had picked up another Oscar nomination. Ricky’s second screenplay was in post-production. And Wickham was still in prison. Life was good.

“How is your latest screenplay going?” Elizabeth asked Ricky.

Darcy’s cousin had a twinkle in his eye. “It’s a love story. It begins when the hero hits the heroine with his car.”

Everyone laughed while Darcy protested indignantly, “I almost hit her!”

But Ricky wasn’t finished. “I hear you’re going to France and Italy on your honeymoon,” he said to Elizabeth.


“I hope you’re taking Raoul.” He grinned. “Darcy might have a Ferrari, but you don’t want him driving on those mountainous roads.”

Darcy gave his cousin a sardonic look.

“We are not taking the chauffeur on our honeymoon,” Elizabeth said emphatically. “I will be doing the driving.”

Ricky’s eyebrows shot upward. “How do you feel about that, Darce?”

He smiled. “I’m perfectly fine with it. I might even give her an opportunity to almost hit me with the car. It turned out pretty well before.”

The End
