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Camilla fumbled with the silver buckle of his belt while he pushed her skirt as far as he could out of his way and scrambled to push her silky panties to the side. She let out a startled, lust-laden gasp when he pressed one long finger up inside her, stroking her slick walls and basking in the hot wetness that was caused by her desire for him.

“Fuck, Camilla...” He slowly moved his thick digit in and out, biting down on her collarbone as she rubbed at his rock-solid length through his pants. “Fuck, baby, yes.”

Keeping his finger inside her, he used his other hand to help her get his belt and pants undone and

pushed out of the way. He needed her, craved her. And he was desperate to prove to her he was sorry for his stupidity.

Camilla, in a frenzy, pushed his pants and boxer briefs down his thighs and let his rigid hardness spring free. Her wetness, his hardness...they were desperate for each other.

Brock withdrew his finger and stepped in closer between her thighs. He didn’t wait—he couldn’t bear to—and he pushed his solid length into her soft, soaked core in one powerful thrust.

Camilla cried out, but the sound was lost somewhere amidst her mouth and his. He kissed her hard and intensely, swallowing the feverish sounds of their relentless plight towards bliss, gripping her hips tightly and guiding her against him to meet each incessant thrust.

Again and again, he pulled out just to the tip, then slammed into her again, relishing in the intoxicating sounds that vibrated off her tongue onto his.

Camilla clutched his shoulders for dear life, clinging to him and taking every solid clash of their hips with the intimate determination of a woman being fueled by her physical desires and her emotional needs.

She’d begged for him to make it up to her, and she was letting him. Giving herself over to him.

Submitting to him and his apologies and his unabashed craving to have her as his own.

It was hard and it was fast, but the moment when they both careened over the edge and found their release together, it was cleansing as well. They’d found their common ground again, reminded themselves of the connection that held them together as though attached by a tether, and felt the relentless heat and ache and tingle that came with being completely and utterly consumed by someone.

By each other.

They couldn’t take back what had happened due to their miscommunication, but Brock knew he would spend the rest of his life trying to make up for his mistakes. Not because Camilla asked him to, but because he wanted to.

Because he wanted her, and there was no way he could deny that now.



Shannah’s wedding went off without a hitch. Despite her continuous worries about the state of her and Paul’s relationship and the incessant nitpicking of all the little things regarding her wedding day, Shannah and Paul were married on a sunny autumn day, and neither of them had ever looked happier.

Camilla felt like she could finally breathe a sigh of relief. She had taken her maid of honor duties seriously, and every responsibility that had landed on her was fulfilled, and fulfilled well. She could finally enjoy the party, just like everyone else.

It had been almost three months since her misunderstanding with Brock. And to think, if she’d never gone to his office at the university that day, they might never have had the fairy-tale relationship they did now.

She still stayed with Rynn every day while Brock went to the university, but Camilla had her name removed from the nanny agency. She had no intentions of seeking other jobs in the field, and she didn’t think it was right to stay listed as such when that’s not at all what she was anymore.

Rynn knew that Camilla and Brock were a couple now, as much as a four-year-old girl could understand. Thankfully, she’d never broached the subject of her being her mommy while Brock was away at the university. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to fill the role of the girl’s mother, but Camilla didn’t want to have to tackle that specific question without the support of Brock at her side.

But they’d been content with the little family they’d become, figuring out each other’s little quirks and becoming acquainted with sharing their lives together.

Camilla still lived in her own apartment, though. She was just as adamant as Brock about keeping things as normal and easy for Rynn as possible. While there were many nights that she stayed over long after Brock’s daughter fell asleep, and there were many mornings where Camilla was miraculously there before Rynn’s sleepy head got out of bed, she and Brock had been very careful to maintain that level of separation in front of his daughter. Other than the occasional kiss and holding hands, they kept their romantic life private and away from prying eyes.

Shannah, however, was ecstatic that her maid of honor was bringing a date to the wedding. Camilla wasn’t sure whether to laugh at her friend’s surprise or be a little insulted that it was such a big deal, but either way, Shannah and Paul seemed to hit it off with Brock from the first introduction, so that was another huge relief in Camilla’s favor.

He seemed to stay on the sidelines throughout the ceremony. Camilla couldn’t blame him. Brock didn’t know anyone there but her. But as she stood at the front of the church while her friends repeated their vows and became husband and wife, she managed to glance over at him and catch his gaze. Brock’s eyes were locked on hers, and the smile that crept across his face made her blush.

He’d been watching her, no one else. She was sure of it.

At the reception at the community centre, all duties finally done, Camilla sought him out. She found him near the punch bowl just as the hor d’oeuvres were being brought out and the music began to play from the strategically placed speakers.

“You look mighty strapping in that suit, Mr. Hanlin.”

He turned at the sound of her voice, mischief already in his eyes. “That mister stuff is reserved for students and law enforcement. Wait, are you a cop?” He reached out and pulled her closer to him. “Have I been a bad, bad boy?”
