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Camilla laughed. “Guess we’ll find out later, won’t we?”

“That’s a guarantee, Cam.”

She loved it that he’d taken to calling her Cam, just like Rynn did. It was endearing, and just a little bit sexy to hear it on his lips, said in such an intimate manner. “Are you having fun?”

“I’m having fun watching you.” He grinned, taking a sip of the punch he’d poured in a plastic cup. “You look absolutely breathtaking. I don’t think I’ve told you that enough tonight.”

She blushed. “You’ve told me about a hundred times, but thank you.”

The song track changed, switching from a fast-paced dance song to something slower and more geared towards tender touches and slow swaying.

“Dance with me.”

Camilla was surprised by Brock’s demand. He had never seemed like the type to be much of a dancer before. But be damned if she was going to turn him down.

“I’d love to.”

He took her by the hand and guided her out onto the dancefloor amongst the other paired couples that were there. She became acutely aware of the heat of his hand at the small of her back and the dampness of his breath on her cheek as he held her close, expertly leading her around the dancefloor like he’d done it a million times before.

“You’re quite the dancer,” she whispered in his ear, kissing his lobe gently.

“My mother taught me when I was young,” he explained. “Said it was a requirement if I wanted to be a gentleman when I grew up.”

“And is that what you are?” She chuckled. “A complete gentleman?”

“Only when it counts, baby.” He pulled back and gave her a cocky grin that left her core aching with the sweet promise of the night they would share together. “I might be quite the dancer, but you’re quite the ravishing beauty tonight, Cam. I mean it. You’re that, as well as a lot of other things.”

She practically purred in his ear. She couldn’t help it. His sweet words were like an aphrodisiac. By the time they did manage to make it out of there, she was going to be raring to rip his clothes off. “Mmm, and what else am I, baby?”

Brock twirled her around. “You’re gorgeous.”

He kissed her neck. “You’re absolutely amazing with Rynn Tin Tin.”

He nipped at her sensitive flesh just enough to get her attention and heighten the arousal that was burning up her veins. “And you’re mine.”

She whimpered a sound meant to convey that she agreed, but Brock pulled away, staring into her eyes. She could see the twinkling lights that surrounded them reflecting back at her in his eyes. There was something el

se in his stare, too. “What is it?” she asked, a hint of worry in her tone.

“That’s a lie, isn’t it?”

“What?” Their perfect arcs and smooth movements as they danced to the song had ceased.

“You’re not mine in every way,” he said. “Not every way that counts to me, anyway.”

“Brock, I don’t know what you’re saying,” she whispered to him, alarmed. “Of course, I am. I—”

“So, I want to change that,” he interjected. He let go of her waist long enough to retrieve a small crimson box from his jacket pocket. “I want to make you mine in every way that counts, Camilla.”

She stood there, her hands hanging on to him loosely, as much for support as anything, in complete awe, as Brock opened the little box and revealed a white gold filigree band with three diamonds in it. “I know that the three-stoned diamond rings are supposed to represent past, present, and future, but I saw this ring and thought of you, me, and Rynn.” He reached up and brushed away a tear that had escaped onto her cheek. “I want the three of us to be a family, Camilla. Will you marry me?”

She broke into a fit of sobs, her hands covering her mouth as she emphatically nodded her head yes, over and over, because she couldn’t seem to get the word out.

“I take it that’s a yes?” Brock chuckled.

She playfully swatted at him. “Definitely a yes,” she choked out. “Yes.”

Brock wore the widest grin as he plucked the ring from the box and slipped it onto her finger, then he wrapped her in the tightest hug, clutching her against his chest like a lifeline. She couldn’t speak, and when she felt his lips touch against her ear, she thought he was going to say something else that would make her happy tears continue to stream down her face.
