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My appointment with the doctor was still a couple of hours away. I tried calling Maria but she was at her orientation for her new job. Instead, we went home. Simon put Mirabella down for a nap while I pulled out my laptop. I hadn’t heard from Mandy in a while, which concerned me. My email showed no messages. Walking into the bedroom, I dug out her mother’s number. As I sat down on the bed, I dialed.


“Hi Danielle, its Emma Mancelli. I just wanted to check on Mandy? I haven’t heard from her in a while,” I added.

“Oh. Mandy ran away from home. Or at least we think she did. She disappeared two weeks ago. Nobody has heard from her,” Danielle began to cry. My heart ached for both of them.

Poor Mandy. I could tell she hadn’t been coping. She was like a twelve year old version of me and I felt bad I hadn’t been able to help her.

“I’m so sorry,” I said softly. “If I hear from her I will let you know.”

I walked back into the living room, Simon instantly spotting my change in mood.

“Are you okay?” he asked, wrapping his arms around me. I shrugged, not really sure what to say.

“Mandy? She ran away. I’d been emailing her then I noticed I hadn’t heard from her in a while. Her mom said she disappeared two weeks ago,” I whispered, sitting down.

“Em? How did you know Mandy had been emailing you?” Simon asked. I looked up at him, confused by the question.

I had remembered something else! I had no idea what we spoke about, but I knew we had been emailing each other.

“You remembered,” Simon said in wonder. He kissed my nose. “I’m sorry about Mandy, Em. There was not much you could do though. You reached out to her which is a lot more than anyone else might have done.” I nodded, knowing he was right.

“Now you need to tell me what you want for lunch so I can make it while you relax,” he announced, forcing my feet up onto the coffee table. I laughed.

“A cheese sandwich,” I decided. He nodded and leaned over to kiss me. It was official. I was the luckiest woman in the world.

The End
