Page 32 of Conflicted

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“Honestly I’m fine, I guess I’m just tired. This internship is heavy going, with all the reading.”

It’s an excuse that I know she will accept without a second thought, but in reality I’m just annoyed there wasn’t an email in my inbox this morning from Aaron. She keeps my gaze for a few more seconds and then gives me a kiss before grabbing my arm and walking back towards the cashier.

As we leave the shop with my new skirt safely in her possession, she suggests we go back to the food court for a bite to eat. I agree, knowing that there will soon be a handful of random guys around our table to keep her attention off my problems. Besides, it’s always fun to watch her get guys wrapped around her finger.

I have known Ariel for the last six years, and those six years have been a rollercoaster ride. Her feistiness and the fact that she speaks before she thinks are things I love about her. We balance each other. I tame her down and she brings me out of my shell.

We sit at an empty table, and she disappears in search of food while I man her shopping.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. My heart pounds as I reach for it, hoping that it’s him. I nearly faint when I see his name on a new text. I open it quickly, eager to see what he has to say.

Aaron: It’s a shame I never saw you last night. I was hoping I could’ve bought you a drink.

My cheeks turn a dark shade of red as I shift in my seat. How can someone have this effect of me when I’m not in their actual presence? I reach behind my neck and wipe a layer of sweat off. I begin to type my response in as cool a tone as possible. The last thing I want is for him to think I like him…even if I do.

Me: Sorry, I had to leave. Something came up. Did you have a good night?

Straight away I get a response, which makes me giddy. Shit, he’s on his phone right now, waiting for my responses. The thought gives me a buzz I haven’t felt for a long time. Excitement rushes through me, but don’t want to get ahead of myself. Could he actually be interested in me? Stop it, Lacey. You’re his intern and you’re twenty years younger than he is. But all that does is thrill me even more. There is something sexy about a forbidden relationship.

Aaron: It was okay. It would’ve been better with nicer company.

My mouth drops open slightly and I just stare at his message. Surely he doesn’t mean me. I am trying to think of a witty response when Ariel sits down at the table with a tray full of food and coffee. I shut my phone and slide it back in my pocket.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Lace. Who was that text from? You sexting randoms again?” she asks, laughing at her own joke.

“No, just a text from Aaron about the case we are working on,” I say, knowing that I’m probably blushing.

“Aaron?” she repeats, a smile on her face. “We’re calling him Aaron now, are we?”

I groan, knowing she’s just getting started. “He told me to call him that,” I retort, trying to sound more pissed off than I actually am. “Stop trying to read into things, Ari.”

“Pfft, I think it’s great you want to bone your boss. God knows you need it.”

“Ariel,” I growl, my face red. I turn around, embarrassed, making sure that nobody is listening in on our conversation. Thankfully, nobody is listening.

Her attention soon shifts to a guy sitting at the next table, so I’m able to get back to trying to dissect Aaron’s latest text. He’s definitely flirting with me, but I can’t work out whether he’s just teasing me or not. Would I actually reciprocate if he made a move? Do I want him to? I shiver, because honestly I don’t know.

We spend the next few hours shopping, and though I’m exhausted by the time I get home, it was just what I needed. Turning off my mind, even just for a few hours, has made a big difference.

I arrive at work early the next day and spend fifteen minutes standing in front of the mirrors in the ground floor bathrooms before I suck it up and go upstairs. I don’t know why I’m so damn embarrassed. We exchanged a few emails. There was nothing dirty or suggestive about them—only in my mind.

Maybe that’s the point: I’m embarrassed because I’m reading way more into our relationship than I should be. Lucas is right. I’m going to end up hurt because I can’t let this crush go.

I’m alone when I get into the elevator. I press floor two and wait for the doors to close. In my mind I’m going over what I’m going to say when I get to work. I need something to break the awkwardness I’m feeling. Again, it’s all in my head, but if I don’t find a way to work through it, I know I’m going to say something stupid.

Just as the doors close, they slide open again. I look up and see Aaron standing there. He smirks as he stands next to me. My heart races as I smile coolly. I glance at myself in the mirror, wishing I’d taken more care with my appearance this morning.

“Morning,” I offer. I run my hand through my hair and breathe out. Why is it so damn hot in here all of a sudden?

“Good morning. Recovered after your big weekend?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. The way he looks at me makes my stomach twist. I find myself wondering how those lips would feel pressed up against mine. I blush, my eyes darting to the floor.

“Yes, thanks. Sorry I didn’t respond to your last email. I didn’t get it until the next morning,” I mumble. I try to think of something witty and cute to add, but come up empty.

“No dramas. It’s a pretty nice little place, huh? Though I didn’t think much of the bands they had on. I’m not much of a punk fan.”

“Me either,” I mumble, colour rushing to my cheeks. He knows. Oh God he knows and I’m making a fool of myself. I force myself to breathe and meet his gaze even though the knowing twinkle in his eye is making me sick.

“You okay?” he asks, amused. “You look a little flushed.”
