Page 33 of Conflicted

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“Okay, you caught me,” I growl, throwing my hands up. I can’t take the pressure any longer. “I wasn’t there. I was at home in bed and I lied because I didn’t want you thinking I was a loser. I guess the joke’s on me, huh?”

“You want to know a secret?” he asks as the doors open up onto our floor.

“What?” I say, my heart racing.

He leans in close until our lips are almost touching, his eyes not leaving mine. I swallow, the feel of his warm breath on my face driving me crazy as his lips part into a grin.

“I wasn’t there either.”

Chapter Sixteen


Lacey: Sorry I have to cancel our plans. Working late.

Again? I sigh and tap out a short reply. I’ve barely seen her all week because she keeps piking out on our plans. And now it’s Friday night, and I have two tickets for a concert tonight to see a band I’ve been w

aiting ages to see live. I haven’t seen her since I left her in Chino’s, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s avoiding me. Not that I can blame her, after the way I acted. I picture her and Aaron together and hurl a glass across the room. It bounces off the wall and rolls along the carpet, not breaking. Jesus. I can’t even get that right.

“Fuck,” I growl. I wish I didn’t let him get to me so damn much.

After checking that Harry isn’t available, and Ariel telling me she’d rather bathe in fish guts than see Imperial, I text Eva.

Me: Any chance you’d take me up on a free ticket to see Imperial tonight?

Eva: Sure. Sounds like fun. What time?

Me: I’ll pick you up at seven.

She texts me her address, which happens to be just around the corner from me. My annoyance at Lacey fades a little as I get ready. The fact that she’s flaking on me for work doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that I know it means she’s working late with him. Really, how much work can you expect an intern to do? She’s always fucking there. She has to have topped fifty hours this week. Is that even legal?

Yeah, I’m much less annoyed now.

Eva climbs into my car and buckles up her seatbelt. She looks great, in a short black dress that shows off her long legs. Her blond hair is brushed back at the sides. She turns to me, a smile on her face.

“Thanks for inviting me. I’ve been wanting to see this band since I was back in London,” she says. “Your friend couldn’t make it?”

Had I told her about Lacey? I don’t remember having that conversation with her. My suspicions are soon thwarted when she adds: “Assuming you got two tickets with the intention of going with someone.”

“Yeah, she had to work.”

“Ah.” Eva smiles, as if I just explained everything. “Is this the same girl that had you drowning your sorrows in the bar?”

I glance sideways at her. What’s with the interrogation? I’m already regretting asking her out. This was a bad idea—not that I can do much about it now. I just have to suck it up and try and enjoy my night.

“So, you lived in London?” I muse. If she notices my attempt to redirect the conversation, she doesn’t say it. “Where are you from?”

“Sweden,” she says, her green eyes sparkling. “I’ve been all over, though. I studied at a university in London and lived there for five years.” Five years? How old is she? I glance at her again. “You look concerned?” she says, as if it’s a question.

“I’m just…” I shake my head. “How rude would it be to ask how old you are?”

She laughs. “I don’t think that’s rude at all. How old do you think I am?”

“That question can get me into trouble in so many ways,” I chuckle. “Women are so sensitive about that kind of thing.”

“Maybe Australian women, but not me,” she sniffs. “I know I look younger than I am. I’m fine with that. It attracts younger men.” She reaches over and runs her fingers up my thigh, causing me to momentarily lose control of the car. She laughs as I compose myself. “You’re so cute, Lucas.”

I groan. She says it like I’m a puppy. Maybe I’m in over my head with this one. With one hand on the wheel, I rest my other arm on the sill of the window and run my fingers through my hair.
