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Everything with Derek had been a secret until after their elopement. Secret meetings and stolen kisses in the university library had meant nothing to him but money.

Dax shifted Gavin’s lax body, holding on to the child with one strong arm while he maneuvered the house key and opened the door.

“Youth and beauty before age and treachery,” he teased, voice quiet.

He stood to the side, holding the door with his back while she passed through with the baby. She recalled that first day when Rowdy had crowded her in the doorway and she’d been repelled. Not so with Dax. He could stand as close as he wanted.

Of course, he didn’t. He padded down the hall with the sleeping Gavin while she headed in the opposite direction to change and settle Sophie for the night, chastising herself for trying to make something significant from the evening. Dax was being kind, asking her to join in an outing with his son. That’s all there was to it.

Sophie was sound asleep, rousing only slightly as Jenna changed and swaddled her for the night. After snapping on the elephant night-light, Jenna returned to the living room, hoping for an opportunity to let Dax know how much she’d enjoyed the night out.

She wasn’t disappointed. Dax came down the hall toward her, rubbing the back of his neck. When he saw her standing there, he offered a crooked grin. “That boy could sleep through a tornado.”

She answered with a smile. “He had fun tonight.”

“Yeah. We haven’t done that much.” He plopped down on the couch. “I like this new arrangement.”

The comment brought back the memory of that day when she’d thought he might kiss her.


“Because it looks nice,” he said.

“No, I mean why haven’t you and Gavin gone out much?”

“Oh. Good question. I don’t know.”

She smiled and settled on the end of the sofa, wanting to sit near again but unsure if he wanted that. “Would you like something to eat or drink?”

He looked horrified. “Are you kidding?”

“Yes. Nothing like a Friendly Meal and popcorn to fill me up.”

“Sorry about that. Next time—”

He stopped but Jenna caught on the phrase. Was he thinking about a next time?

“I’m serious. I loved the Friendly Meal.”

He looked dubious, but said, “For a skinny girl you can put away the fries.”

“I just had a baby. I am not skinny.”

His gaze roved lazily over her, not in an insolent way as Rowdy’s had done, but with an appreciation that made her knees wobble.

“I had a good time,” he said softly, capturing her eyes with his.

“Thank you for asking me. The evening was wonderful.”

“Are you happy here, Jenna?”

What a strange question. “Happier than I’ve ever been in my life.”

The admission came as naturally as breathing. She was happy here, living a dream, bringing her daughter up the way she’d wanted to be. Safe and free and normal.

Dax’s nostrils flared.

Everything in her longed to travel the short distance down the couch to him. The memory of his almost kiss stayed with her and she saw it now reflected in his eyes.

“Jenna?” The whisker-rough voice sent tingles down her spine.

“Yes?” she whispered.

A beat of silence quivered in the air before Dax dragged a hand over his face and looked away. “I guess we should call it a night.”

Jenna wilted with disappointed. When he said nothing else, only stared at the cold fireplace, Jenna rose. “Then I shall bid you good-night.”

Stiffly, she left the room, not daring to look back, lest he see the longing in her face and pity her. Or worse yet, dismiss her. She’d misinterpreted his kindness, for that’s all this lovely night had been.


AT HIGH NOON the next Thursday, the tables at Lydia’s Lunchbox were jammed with diners. Jenna stood in the crowded entry, soaking up the sights and sounds—the clink of plates and forks, the soft laughter and conversation, the drawling accents she found so entertaining. In the back corner, she spotted a hand waving at her.

“Over here, Jenna.” Crystal Wolf had become the kind of friend she’d always wanted.

“This place is really crowded today,” she said as she settled into a chair.

“Lydia’s is the best place in town for a light lunch. Besides, Pam’s Diner is closed until after the first of the year.” Crystal peeled the blanket off Sophie. “I swear, hon, she gets prettier every time I see her.”

Pride swelled inside Jenna. Her little girl was beautiful and she looked adorable today in her hot pink mouse cap with matching jumper and shoes. “Her pointed head went away just as you predicted.”
