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Crystal laughed. “Of course. I didn’t go to nursing school for nothing. You look great, too. Wow.” The other woman looked her over. “What is going on with you? You look…radiant. If having a baby makes a woman look that good, I need to have five or six.”

Crystal and her husband had been married for several years but hadn’t started a family.

Jenna shook out a napkin and placed it on her lap. “You saw me at my very worst in the hospital. Anything has to be an improvement on that.”

“Sure, but you look different today.”

“Same old me,” she said, although she wondered if that was exactly the truth. Since the night out with Dax, she’d felt buoyant, excited as though something new and wonderful was just around the corner. “Must be the Christmas spirit. I’m having such fun decorating the house.”

The waitress arrived and took their orders. Jenna could care less what she ate. She was delighted with the new freedom to make her own friends and go where she wanted.

Crystal patted Sophie before taking up her own napkin. “Any more domestic disasters?”

Jenna laughed. She’d told her friend about the pink socks and flooded kitchen. “Let’s just say learning to be a good housekeeper is an even sharper learning curve than caring for a newborn. If Dax weren’t so sweet, he would have fired me the second day.”

The waitress appeared with their order of chicken salad sandwiches and veggie slices. Crystal’s hand paused over the julienne carrots. “Sweet? Did you just refer to Dax as sweet?”

“Well, maybe sweet isn’t the right word.” Jenna was positive her cheeks flamed. She reached for her glass of water. “He’s been very supportive and kind.”

“Mmm, I see.” The woman’s gaze was speculative. “Looks good, too, doesn’t he?”

“I’d be lying if I said no. But Dax is more than good-looking, Crystal. He’s such a man, so protective and helpful.” She refrained from adding that she felt safe with Dax in a way she’d seldom experienced in her childhood or her marriage. Crystal didn’t know about her past. “Do you know he wouldn’t allow me to move the furniture? He was afraid I’d hurt myself.”

“This is getting more interesting by the minute.”

Jenna reached for another cucumber slice. “You once told me that Dax Coleman was one of the good guys. You were right. Going into labor in this town was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love my job. The ranch is beautiful. Dax’s little boy is a treasure. I’m even volunteering at the school every Tuesday and I’m planning a Christmas party. You’re invited, of course.”

“Dax is having a Christmas party?”

“Let’s just say he has tentatively agreed to this whing-ding, as he calls it.” She scrunched her shoulders in excitement. “It will be so much fun, and Dax could use a bit of Christmas cheer.”

“There’s no doubting that.” Crystal stirred her cup of herbal tea and laid the spoon carefully aside. “I’m very impressed by the way you’ve assimilated, Jenna. When I first met you, I wasn’t sure how you’d cope.”

Necessity was a fast teacher. “I love it here,” she said, drawing in a deep, contented breath. “I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life.”

Jenna hadn’t meant to add the last line but her friend already knew she’d suffered heartache. She just didn’t know the real reasons.

“You look happy. You sound happy.” Crystal studied her over a bite of chicken salad. “That’s it. That’s the difference I see in you today. You’re in love with Dax.”

Jenna nearly choked on a drink of water. She clunked the glass onto the tabletop and stared at Crystal. Blood rushed through her head like a hard rain.

“In love?” she croaked.

Crystal tilted her head. White earrings flashed against her dark skin. “Aren’t you?”

“I—” Jenna blinked. Once. Twice. She lifted a hand to her mouth. “Oh dear.”

“Honey!” A warm hand closed over Jenna’s arm and gave it a shake. “That’s fantastic. I’m so happy for you.”

“No. I don’t know.” She floundered. “Dax doesn’t…”

“Dax doesn’t what? Know you’ve fallen for him? Or return the feelings?”

“Both.” She gripped her friend’s fingers. “Promise you won’t say a word.”

“My lips are sealed. But let me tell you, hon, Dax Coleman is carrying a load of hurt. He may take some time and effort, but I know one thing, when that man falls, he falls hard.”
