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“I never meant for that to happen, not like that.” His voice broke. I gripped him tighter, squeezing my eyes shut against his leg. “Never like that, Ri.”

I nodded again, incapable of doing anything else. I knew that. With everything in me, I knew it. I also knew something had been stolen from us. Something neither of us knew how to get back. And not just our first time. It was more than that. Shifting, I rose to look at him. My trembling fingers lifted to trace the bruises on his face, carefully smoothing over the cut on his forehead and the lump above his left eye.

“What happened?” I asked, my voice nothing more than a heartbroken whisper.

He shrugged, glancing away.

“Ren, I—” I stopped, my eyes searching his face. “Do you... want me here?”

The vulnerability in my voice seemed to echo around the room, bouncing off every surface, as I waited for his response. Nothing came for so long I felt a lone tear slip from the corner of my eye and roll over the crest of my cheek. Looking down, I pulled my lip between my teeth and tried to figure out what I should do. I couldn’t leave him. I didn’t know how.

So, I sat on the floor, between his legs, dripping liquid pain onto the varnished floorboards until the watery dots collected to form a big puddle. Only then did Reno’s hand take mine, his body shifting to accommodate me as he lifted me like I weighed nothing and positioned me across his lap, tucking me into his chest. His large palm covered the entire side of my face as he pressed his mouth down into my hair.

I’d once sworn I’d never let him in because I knew once I did, I wouldn’t know how to be without him. He’d made me believe I’d never have to, and God knew, I’d tried to prepare myself for him to be wrong. I just hadn’t imagined how deeply I could fall, o

r how quickly everything could fall apart.

When they came, Reno's words carried a fragility that left him wide open, showing me his biggest fear. “Will you leave me, Riley?”

Rising, I took his beautiful, battered face in both hands and forced his eyes to mine. With a certainty I hoped left him in no doubt, I shook my head vehemently and swore, “Never. I promise I will never leave you.”

His nose brushed mine before he kissed me, soft and slow. I poured everything I had into him, every ounce of strength and love I had to give. I wanted him to have it. He had nothing else in this world, but he could have everything I was, if he’d only take it.

We stayed like that for hours, neither speaking, only the light sound of our breaths disturbing the still, silent air around us. Leon’s mom popped her head in the door to check on us at some point, sadness tugging at her pretty features. Leon did the same, eyes tight, face drawn. With my cheek pressed against the solid surface of Reno’s chest as it rose and fell steadily beneath me, my eyes slid closed despite my attempts to stay awake.

I felt his lips brush against my temple, and just before I drifted off, I heard him whisper, “You will, Riley.”

I woke up alone.



The sound of the lock turning over made me spring from the bed, my bare feet slapping against the linoleum as I plodded quickly down the short hall.

“Reno?” Heavier footsteps halted abruptly. Disappointment surged inside of me and I muttered, “Oh, hey.”

Leon gave me a half smile, understanding in his eyes. “You been staying here?”

I shrugged, wrapping my arms around myself.

“Not really. I just... stop by, open the drapes, stock the fridge, in case... you know.” My voice drifted off, gaze dropping to the floor. Forcing a tight smile, I tilted my head toward the now covered window and mumbled, “I forgot to draw the curtains.”

I didn’t say that I sometimes came and lay on Reno’s bed because I missed him, that his scent still lingered on his comforter. I didn’t say any of that, because Leon knew Reno was avoiding me, and I didn’t want to add humiliation to the pity radiating from his eyes. I glanced down again, chewing my lip, suddenly awkward around a guy I’d snuck behind the communal dumpster and swapped saliva with dozens of times.

“I was just heading home.” I thumbed in the direction of my trailer, as if he didn’t know where it was, as if it wasn’t yards away from his.

He nodded, clearing his throat.

Words I hadn’t planned on speaking tumbled from my lips. “He’s not coming back, is he?” We both knew I didn’t just mean to the trailer. He’s not coming back to me.

Leon looked away.

“Leon? Just tell me what’s going on. I need to know he’s okay.” I heard myself pleading, but I couldn’t stop it. Let him pity me.

Meeting my eyes with a severe lack of enthusiasm, he sighed heavily. “He’s okay, Riley. He’s—” he broke off, his head slumping back as he ran a hand through his sandy hair, mussing it. “He’s okay.”

I struggled to curb the moisture gathering in my eyes, pressing my lips together while I inhaled through my nose.

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