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“Okay. He’s with you though, right? Is he outside? Are you here for his stuff?”

His gaze skirted away, but not quickly enough to hide the flash of guilt that set a symphony of alarm bells ringing. “What? What is it?”

“Yeah, he’s with me.”

My narrowed gaze focused in on his face, then over his shoulder. My head craned to look beyond him. Looking for someone. “You’re not telling me something. Where is he?”

I took a step toward the door.

Huffing a resigned breath, Leon raised his hands, stalling my movements. His blue eyes pleaded with mine for leniency, understanding. Only I didn’t know what for. Yet.

“Look, Ri, he’s going through a tough time. He’s doing what he needs to do.”

Lead settled in my chest, pressing my heart down into my stomach. My voice was harsh. “And what is it he needs to do?” He didn’t answer with words, but guilt clung to his face like mold. “Why are you even here? Where is he?”

His hands landed on his hips, head shaking.

“I’ve got all night, Leon. You obviously came here for a reason? So, go ahead,” I said, flinging my arm out behind me with dramatic flair. “Don’t fucking mind me.”

He exhaled a lengthy sigh, his mouth twisting into a grimace. “It doesn’t matter. I didn’t know you’d be here, Ri.”

“What did you come here for, Leon?” I asked again, my voice quiet and tightly controlled, the eerie calm that came before a storm.

“Nothing. Look, I gotta get back.”

He went for the door. I pre-empted him, springing forward and blocking his path.

“Just fucking tell me! I haven’t heard from or seen him for almost two goddamn weeks. He’s acting like I don’t exist, and I don’t even know why! I don’t know what I’ve done wrong! What the hell could you tell me that could hurt more than that?” My voice escalated, desperation governing my emotions and seeping into my words.

He grabbed my flailing wrists, holding them still. “He’s at a party, okay? Some chicks we met down at the fight scene told us about a party. He’s... there.”

My brows sunk low over my eyes. “And why aren’t you there? With him? Where is it... this party?”

“He's not thinking straight right now, Ri, but I’m sober. One hundred percent sober, haven’t touched a drop. I’m looking out for him. I left him with Mack and the guys while I—” he broke off.

“Leon,” I growled.

“Fine! For fuck's sake, Ri!”

That sinking sensation in my stomach turned into a whirlpool, a giant vortex sucking my insides out of me. I swallowed, throat bone dry, my voice barely fighting through the ball of grief that had settled in my throat. I whispered, “Just tell me.”

“I came to grab condoms.”

“Condoms?” I blurted, frowning.

“Yeah, these chicks are all over us. None of us had any. Didn’t exactly go out with the intention of… well, anyway… wouldn’t trust any of those Richmond hoes. Fuck knows where they’ve been. This was the nearest place I could think to get some. I didn’t know you’d be here.”

Heart pounding and unable to meet his eyes, I asked quietly, “Does Reno need them?”

He hesitated. It was all the answer I needed. Vomit worked its way up my throat and I gagged, heading blindly in the direction of the bathroom that seemed to take another piece of my heart every time I stumbled through the door. If I kept going like this, I’d walk away from this place completely empty.

Leon trudged behind me, grabbing my hair as I heaved over the toilet bowl.

“Shit, Ri. I didn’t...” His hand landed on my back, rubbing softly. “Shit.”

Shit. That was one word for it.

My boyfriend, who hadn’t confirmed if he still was that but had said he loved me once upon a time, was probably waiting for his best friend to bring him condoms so he could fuck a random girl he’d picked up a few hours ago.
