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Once her breathing had calmed enough that she could form a sentence without choking for air, she aimed a mean ass glare right at me along with a slim finger which, incidentally, revealed one perfect creamy breast. It looked fuller than I remembered. My dick fucking throbbed. “You know!” she grated.

“What I know,” I said, as I prowled toward her, slowly erasing the last few inches of distance separating our bodies, “is that you seem to have a willful disregard for your own fucking safety.” My feet stopped when they touched her toes. Her eyes clouded with something besides fury. Something I could definitely work with.

Gaze locked on to her wide eyes, my fingers closed around the fabric fisted in her hands, tugging until her grip loosened, and I tossed them somewhere behind me. My eyes lowered, burning a trail down her body. Her breath hitched, perfect breasts lifting and falling with every accelerated inhale and exhale. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed. I bent my head and dipped my tongue to the hollow beneath her throat. At that touch, she jumped me. I was more than fucking ready.

Her hands grasped my shoulders, probably breaking the skin with her nails, and she thrust herself up and onto my body. Fastening her legs around me, she slammed her lips down on mine. Our teeth clashed, and my tongue rushed past her lips. She had my goddamn head spinning within seconds and my shirt over my head in around the same time. A loud groan ripped from me as my palms curved over her taut ass, grabbing handfuls and working it in my grip. She responded with a long, low moan, her teeth biting down on my bottom lip until I tasted the metallic tang of blood. Hauling her right into me, I pulled my head back and watched her eyes roll back into her head. Her wet hair was plastered across her face, and her cheeks were flushed pink. All of her inhibitions gone.

It was times like this that I questioned my logic; when I had her falling apart in my arms, her prickly exterior all mellowed out as she melted for me. I couldn’t keep her, and I damned well knew it, but how the fuck could I go without this? I gave myself a mental fucking shake and told myself that was just my hormones talking. They were in charge right now. Reason fled the building the second I saw her through that door, which was fine, providing I stayed detached. And God knows, I could fuck without feelings. It was the only way I’d ever done it. Before Riley.

So, as I lowered her to the edge of the bed, carefully spreading her thighs and slipping her panties over her legs, I battled every trace of emotion swelling in my chest, choking me from the inside. As I looked down at her, lowering my arm to dip a finger between her folds and confirm she was ready, I pretended I didn’t see my hand tremble. I clenched my jaw against the pretty words I wanted to whisper to her, damn near biting off my tongue.

When my brain demanded I avoid her gaze as I shucked my pants and lined myself up with her, my eyes had other ideas, straying to meet a smoldering green gaze that punched a hole right through me. I instructed myself to ignore it, to thrust into her hard and fast, focus only on getting us both off, but my body had a mind of its own, pushing into her achingly slowly, inch by agonizing goddamn inch, and feeling it everywhere. With my face hovering just above hers, my greedy eyes relished in watching every emotion that played out across her expressive face as I filled her. And despite every fucking voice screaming at me that it was the dumbest thing I could do, I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her softly as I started moving inside of her body. I wasn’t fucking her right now. And I goddamn knew it.

I was screwing everything up. Confusing the hell out of a situation that was already twenty shades of fucked up. Probably giving the girl beneath me ideas she shouldn’t be having. But as my hands tangled in her hair and her body rose to meet mine, I couldn’t find it in me to give a fuck. I couldn’t find it in me to fuck her like I didn’t love her. Because I did.

I’d have to deal with the consequences of tonight later. I’d have to erase it all from my head and pretend like fuck that it didn’t happen. Right now, I just wanted to fucking love her.

I breathed into her, and every bit of shit storming my head evaporated like a fine mist.

Later. I could live with later.



“It’s your eighteenth, Liss, you have to celebrate.”

“Yeah, Alissa.” Leon’s head appeared between both of ours, his pouty lips dropping a wet kiss onto Liss' cheek before snapping back quickly when she rounded on him, her eyes flashing and her left fist flying. Her other hand swiped furiously at the damp patch on her cheek.

“What have I told you about those disgusting lips, jerk stain!” Liss seethed, still scrubbing at her skin as her face contorted with unadulterated disgust.

Leon, at a relatively safe distance from my best

friend, swung his grinning face in my direction. “Hey, Ri!” He wagged his brows, snagging a fry from my plate as he dumped his ass onto the seat beside me. “I spoke to Momma Bear couple of nights ago...” He broke off with his brows raised, as if I should know where the hell this conversation was going.

I shrugged, pursing my lips. “And...?”

“She told me you got in. Atlanta. We were shooting the shit the other night while she finished her joint, right after that sexy ass friend of hers dropped her home—man, that woman is fucking fine, and she wants me, I can tell—”

“Le,” I muttered with a subtle shake of my head as his gaze glazed over.

“Oh, right, fuck, I’ve got a vivid imagination.”

“I’ll bet,” I scoffed, fighting a grin.

He winked. “So, anyway, yeah, your mom said you got in.”

I sighed as my shoulders drooped. The fewer people who knew about that, the better. Sure, it was my life, my decision and all that jazz, but every additional person who knew about it, was another person who would one hundred percent disapprove of my choices. And I hated seeing that disappointment in their eyes. Plus, the last thing I wanted was for Reno to find out. We were finally getting somewhere. I could feel him letting his guard down, little by little. It was tentative, but something shifted over the weekend. I felt it. I know he felt it, too. Sure, he woke and threw on his armor, like he could box up his feelings and pretend they didn’t exist. So, he still needed more time. I wanted nothing to spook him. Which meant I needed to keep this development on the down low, preferably until forever, but if not, then at least until we'd packed some solid ground beneath our feet. Problem with that, Le was no vault. The guy couldn’t keep a secret if his life depended on it. So, damage control. Give the guy nothing to work with.

“Uh, yeah. I’m still figuring a lot of stuff out.”

Leon looked me over, his face clear of any obvious emotion, which was unnerving. Normally I could read him like a book. Then he bobbed his head, thoughtful. Even more unsettling. “Yeah, she mentioned that.”

I shrugged, all nonchalant, but my nails bit into my skin and I was struggling not to shrink under his intrusive stare. What the hell was my mom doing standing around smoking a joint with my friends? Her inability to accept she wasn’t a goddamn teenager caused me no end of problems. “There are a few things I need to, uh... consider, you know, before I make my decision.”

He rubbed his thumb over his jaw, his probing eyes flat out refusing to detach from mine. “But you’re going to school, right?”

I finally relented and glanced away, shrugging again in a non-committal way, “Sure. Just not sure where. Yet.”
