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I reached down and ended the call before she could respond, shutting the phone off for good measure.

“Probably wasn’t the most mature reaction, huh?” A harsh laugh scraped up my throat, the sound lacking any humor.

“Why haven’t you told her about college?” Lissa asked quietly.

My shoulders lifted. “Not sure.” Maybe because it was a budding dream, and I didn’t want my mother shitting all over it with her negativity.

Lissa shifted, turning to look out the window.

I pulled up outside of Lissa’s house and tucked my chin, flattening a palm over my thigh. “This is why you don’t plan things, huh?”

Lissa responded with silence, my attempt at a joke falling flat, but I felt her eyes on me. After what seemed like hours, she murmured, “Come inside.”

My head lifted, and I twisted to look at her. We stared without speaking, gazes clinging across the short distance separating us. When she moved, pushing the door open and climbing out, I followed. My steps echoed hers up the short driveway as I trailed behind her, pausing when she stopped to unlock the door.

Lissa moved inside with her head dipped, then stepped back to let me through. Her fingers clutched the edge of the thick wood until her knuckles blanched before she closed the door softly and turned the lock. Then, with her back facing me, she touched her forehead down onto the wood.

I watched, waited, chest expanding, heart pounding, as her narrow shoulders rose then fell, and then she turned.

Her heavy gaze lifted slowly, crawling up my chest and settling on my face. I felt it like a fucking caress. By the time her hooded, blue eyes reached mine, neither one of us was breathing normally, and we both moved, crashing together.

She rose up as I swooped down, crushing my lips against hers. Her back arched and her breasts smashed into my chest, dragging a growl from me. Her soft lips slid over mine, our warm tongues tangling as her small hands gripped onto my shirt. I squeezed my lids and clenched my jaw against the dizzying barrage of desire that slammed me from every angle.

I was on the verge of blowing my load before I got my dick out of my pants.

If I didn’t get inside her, I might fucking die. It was that serious. When she pulled my lower lip between her teeth and dropped a hand to cup me through my pants, I almost passed out on the spot. I detached my mouth from hers and took a few seconds to breathe, and then I grabbed her at the waist and hauled her up against me.

The soft whimper that flowed past her lips when our bodies aligned travelled straight to my cock, and I jerked forward instinctively, desperate to be inside her. The move sent us stumbling backwards into the door. My hands went to her head to cushion the impact as I trapped her between my bulk and the hard wood, and her fingers glided up over my chest and around my shoulders, before threading into the hair at my nape. A soft sigh parted her lips and her head fell back as her eyes closed.

Breathing raggedly, I bent to look down at her, and my chest inflated. My eyes wandered slowly over her face, taking in every detail; the thick lashes resting on the soft crest of her flushed cheeks, the little pants coming from her parted lips.

A crippling wall of emotion crashed down on top of me, and I floundered under the weight, slamming my palms against the door to keep myself upright.

Lissa’s eyes fluttered open as my body sagged forward, and she blinked up at me, one hand slipping round to cup my jaw.

She trapped me in her hooded, blue stare, just held us there, suspended, before she took a deep breath in and whispered, “She's wrong about you, Leon.” Her brows pinched together lightly as she breathed. “And so was I.”

My heart stumbled as I stared at her and fought to keep from bursting into fucking flames.

Emotion swept through me like a rapidly rising tide, thrashing waves of feeling that threatened to bury me in their depths. I fucking welcomed them. I wanted to drown in her, to be surrounded by everything she was. In my arms, with her pupils blown wide and her soft, blue eyes filled with longing, Lissa was everything I fucking wanted and needed.

And she’d just reached inside my chest and wrapped her hands around my beating fucking heart. It no longer felt like mine. I sucked in a harsh breath, energy racing through me, and then I reached down and grabbed her face with both hands, tugging her head up and bringing my mouth down on hers.

I kissed her with a depth of feeling I’d never experienced before. I kissed her like my life fucking depended on it, and in that moment, I wasn’t sure it didn’t. Right now, I needed her like I needed the fucking air I breathed.

Dropping both hands to her hips, I gripped on tight and dragged her body up the surface of the door until her legs parted and folded around me. I rocked into the cradle of her thighs as her ankles locked behind my back, and then I started moving, travelling the same path I’d taken twenty-four hours ago.

My ass hit Lissa’s mattress and her knees sank into it on either side of me. When she rose up, I grabbed her ass cheeks and squeezed, digging my fingers into the coarse fabric of her jeans.

I needed them gone. Running my hands up, I gripped her under the arms and lifted; the move bringing her breasts level with my eyes. I groaned as I reached down with one hand and yanked open the button on her jeans, jerking them down. When I reached between her legs and cupped her with one hand, finding her fucking soaked, my head fell forward on a desperate growl, straight into the mounds of her breasts. I brought my free hand up and curved it around her soft flesh, rubbing a thumb over her pebbled nipple.

Her head fell back, a long moan filtering past her lips, and I wrapped my fingers around the waistband of her jeans, tugging until she pulled one leg free. Smoothing a palm up over the back of her thigh and over her firm ass, my fingers skated beneath the thin scrap of lace. I tugged it to one side and dragged a finger through her slick heat, then slipped it inside of her without resistance.

My dick throbbed against the confines of my pants, a rough sound breaking from my chest. I twisted my head, closing my mouth over her erect nipple through the sweater, and Lissa’s body jerked with a sharp gasp as she reached between us to free my dick.

“Do you have a condom?” she panted, hand closing around me.

My eyes fucking crossed, heat licking at my skin as all feeling raced to my cock.
