Page 106 of The Better Brother

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As I lay there and took stock of myself, I realized that my body hurt in ways I didn't know were possible. My muscles were as sore as if I'd just spent eight hours working out. I felt raw and stretched—all of it a reminder of what had happened the night before.

I was no longer a virgin. I'd gotten laid and it had been amazing. Sex with Gavin had been better than I thought it would be, especially for my first time. I had to admit, letting him take control, forcing me to be the submissive was sexy as hell. So was the dirty talk and everything else that went along with it.

It was so outside my comfort zone, yet, mind-blowingly incredible. I knew we'd only scratched the surface and that we hadn't really gotten into the whole BDSM aspect of things—that still worried me a little bit. But, I was perfectly fine with giving over control of my body to him. He did such amazing and delicious things with it.

I looked at him again, feeling the fire still burning between my thighs. I wanted more, but I knew my body needed to rest. I was tender and sore and should probably let myself heal up first. And besides, I didn't want to make things awkward. This was just about sex, nothing more. I gently slipped out of Gavin's embrace and placed my feet on the floor. I looked back again, to see that he was still fast asleep.

Locating my dress and the rest of my clothes, I got dressed as quietly as I could, not wanting to disturb him. With my dress back on, I carried my shoes and walked toward the elevator. I hoped it would be easy to get back down to where I belonged, that it didn't require a code or something to make it work. I breathed a small sigh of relief when I found that it was just a normal elevator. At least from this side of things. He'd punched in a code to get us to his suite, but thankfully, I didn't need one to get back to my own level.

I pressed the down button, and was surprised that the elevator didn't make a peep. It opened up, silently, allowing me to step inside. Before the doors closed, though, I glanced back and caught a glimpse of Gavin sitting up in bed, he was stretching and rubbing eyes that were filled with sleep. He looked around, then saw me in the elevator just as the doors slid closed, obscuring my view of him.

Before the doors closed, I saw that he’d started to say something, but I missed it. The elevator took me back down to the nightclub floor. When it opened up into the familiar scene, I found the place mostly abandoned. There were some staff members cleaning the place up, but otherwise, no one was around. A man looked up at me as I exited the elevator and gave me a knowing glance. The way he looked at me suddenly made me feel dirty and ashamed—something I hadn’t felt with Gavin the night before.

I hurried out of the club, hoping that Gavin wouldn’t follow me. I couldn’t let him find me. Last night, I hadn’t been myself. I’d let Lila push me into doing something well outside my comfort zone and something totally out of the ordinary. It had been fun—it had been a lot of fun—but I knew that was all just fantasy. And it was time for me to get back to reality.

In just a few short hours, we’d be back in San Diego and I’d have to get back to my regular life; back to school and to my mom. And to everything that went with each of those things. Gavin would get back to whatever life he led and would forget all about me.

Given that he worked on board the ship, it was possible that he wasn’t even local. San Diego may have just been a port of call for him. One stop on a longer journey back home. I knew that it we very likely weren’t ever going to see each other again, and I thought that maybe, that was for the best.

I hurried out of the club and rushed through the corridors of the ship until I got to my room. Opening the door, I stepped inside and shrieked in shock and horror.

“Oh my God!”

I turned around as quickly as I could, but it was too late. The image was already burned into my retinas forever. Lila was bent over the arm of the sofa and he stood behind her, taking her from behind. He had a firm grip on her hair, yanking it hard, and Lila’s ass was bright red with handprints, and he was pounding his way deep inside her. I knew I’d never be able to un-hear the sound of their flesh slapping together as he fucked her.

“Jesus, Josie,” Lila cried out. “I’m so sorry. I thought you’d be gone a bit longer.”

I heard them shuffling around, grabbing their clothes, but I remained standing with my back to them, continuing to stare at the door.

“Couldn’t you have done that in your room?” I muttered.

“Like I said, I thought—”

The guy interjected, “She could join us—”

“No!” Lila and I shouted in unison, “Just, fuck no.”

At least we agreed on that. We were close friends, but we weren’t that close. Sharing clothes and shoes was one thing. Sharing a man was a whole separate level of depravity I wasn’t even going to indulge in.

After a few minutes, Lila muttered, “We’re decent. You can turn around now.”

I was almost afraid to look. Part of me didn’t want to see the guy who had just been nailing my best friend on the couch, but I reluctantly turned around. The guy, unsurprisingly, wasn’t bad looking. He was attractive and fit, a stereotypical blond surfer type, which was exactly what Lila liked. He was good looking, but he was no Gavin.

“Thanks, Jason,” Lila said, standing on her tip-toes and kissing him. “It’s been fun.”

“Maybe we can get together after—”

Lila cringed. “No, I don’t think so,” she said and laughed. “But like I said, it’s been fun. Have a good day now, stud.”

She patted him on the ass as she nudged him toward the door. Once he was gone, I turned to my friend and shook my head, unable to suppress the horrified giggles that escaped my throat.

“You had to bring him back here?” I asked. “And screw him in here, of all places?”

“Well you were gone, and I figured I had the place to myself, so, you know, I thought I’d take advantage of it.”

“Clearly,” I said and rolled my eyes.

A mischievous grin spread across her face and her eyes started to twinkle.
