Page 107 of The Better Brother

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“So, speaking of taking advantage of things, how was last night?” she asked. “Since you stayed the night with him, I’m assuming you’re no longer a virgin.”

“Lila!” I shouted, feeling my face flare with heat.

I was mortified, but I was also giggling from both embarrassment and excitement. I covered my face with my hands, completely embarrassed, and that was all the answer Lila needed.

“You did it! You finally did it! Halle-goddamn-lujah,” she screamed and started dancing around the room, taking my hands in hers, and forcing me to dance with her. “And you’re going to tell me all about it, right?”

“Maybe,” I said, smiling so much it hurt. “But right now, I’d really just like to get something to eat. I’m famished.”

“Of course you are,” Lila winked. “All that amazing sex works up quite the appetite.”

“You would know, wouldn’t you?” I teased.

“Hell yeah, I would,” she winked. “Let’s pack first, though, then we can grab some breakfast before we dock.”

Chapter Eight


I got dressed and wandered downstairs to the club, hoping maybe I could catch her before she left. But, when I got to the club floor and the elevator doors opened, all I found was the staff cleaning the place up from the mess the guests had left the night before.

“Did you see the redhead just come out of the elevator?” I asked the bartender, Stan.

“Hot little thing in a black dress? Yeah,” Stan said, scratching at the stubble on his face. “She ran out of here like a bat out of hell. Guess your touch with the ladies is slipping, huh?”

I rolled my eyes at him. “You didn't see where she went, did you?”

He shrugged. “Sorry, boss,” Stan said. “I didn't know she was with you.”

I nodded. “Not your fault. Thanks.”

Normally, when a girl snuck out like that, I'd just let her go. If she didn't want to spend time with me, fuck it. No skin off my

nose. Josie was different, though. For so long, I'd been looking for the right sub. For someone who took my commands and enjoyed giving up control—every ounce of it. And Josie proved to be the kind of girl who enjoyed doing just that.

Last night was tame compared to what else I had in mind for the innocent little girl-next-door. I wanted to really let her experience my world and my fantasies, help her create her own. But she was gone. And I had no idea how to find her.

I left the empty nightclub and headed back upstairs to my suite. There was more to the suite than what Josie had seen the night before. The elevator that led to the bedroom went down to the nightclub, sure, but there was a main entrance as well. This was, after all, my home at sea. It had everything I needed, right there. Including an office where I did most of my work for my business.

I had an office on land as well as a condo in San Diego, my main port of call. But, I seldom used the condo. I think I must have been a pirate in a past life because I much preferred life at sea. Sitting down at the desk in my office, I pulled my laptop to me and opened it. After getting it to boot up, I accessed the passenger manifests. While I didn't know any last names, I checked for anybody named Josie and was disappointed that there were no tickets booked by anybody going by that name. Not a single one. I sat back in my seat, wracking my brain as I ran a hand through my hair.

Her friend. What was her friend's name? If I ran a search for her friend's name, I could very well narrow down my search. But, what was her name? I let out a long, frustrated breath. I'd been so caught up in Josie, that I hadn't really been paying attention to her friend.

And then, as my frustration grew hotter, it came to me. Lila. Her friend's name was Lila. I punched in a few commands and scrolled through the names that popped up. A slow grin spread across my face when I found what I was looking for.

“There you are, my pet,” I mumbled, pulling up their suite information. “Lila Ann Peters and Josephine Lynn Pierce. Josephine, huh? Even more girl-next-door than I thought.”

I jotted down their room number, but I also took note—the billing address was for Lila. There was no information for Josie on file. I had to take what I could get, though, and work with it. I wrote down Lila's address and other details, just in case I wasn't able to track her down before we docked and all the passengers disembarked from the ship.

I had to have her again.

I would make her mine.

The very thought of that blew my mind. It was so far outside the norm for me that I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. It went against everything I stood for. But, I shut down my computer and headed out the front doors of my suite and into the sunshine of the morning. The doors led me to a private, closed off deck with a pool and jacuzzi. All things I would have loved to have experienced with Josie. If only we'd had more time together.

Imagining all the ways I could dominate her made my cock stiffen up again. My balls ached, and I felt my cock throbbing, begging to be deep in that tight little pussy again. I was going to find her and when I did, I couldn't wait to turn my sweet little angel into a naughty little girl. Or rather, I would help her unleash the dirty little girl that was already inside her. I'd caught a glimpse of her last night and knew that we'd only just scratched the surface.

I wanted to dig down deeper. I was going to dig down deeper. It was a question of when, not if, in my mind.
