Page 111 of The Better Brother

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“Fine with me,” Lila sang.

“Won’t you get bored? I’ll be such a buzzkill,” I said. “You should have brought Jason along. Or at least, somebody who’s a little more fun these days.”

“Jason is coming too,” she said. “He’s staying in his own room, however.”

She saw the look I gave her and continued, laughing as she spoke, “And don’t worry. If we hook up, it'll be in his room. Not ours.”

“You mean when, not if,” I said.

Part of me was jealous that Lila had found a long-term partner on that fateful cruise. I was envious that she had a wonderful relationship while all I got was a baby bump and no father in sight. Not that I saw Gavin as long-term partner potential. He was definitely into hooking up with random women, after all. That was his thing. He wouldn't want little ol' me, and he especially wouldn't want a baby.

We parked and as I stared out at the enormous ship on the dock, I had to ask, “You don't think Gavin will be here, do you?”

Lila shrugged. “What are the odds of that?”

“Well, he did say he went on a lot of these.”

“He said he was a regular and it wasn't his first time,” Lila sighed. “Not like he lives on the boat or anything.”

She was probably right. What were the odds? I'd just avoid the club, stick to my room and keep an eye out for him. Not that I wouldn't savor another night with him, but there was no way he'd be able to see my naked form and not know I was with child.

That would be one awkward conversation.


Our room was similar to the last one we had. Only this one was nicer. And given how nice our last room was, that made this one downright elegant. The rooms were larger and both bedrooms had stunning ocean-views, along with a private patio with a hot tub. We also had access to a private VIP club and restaurant, which I'd already planned to avoid like the plague. Too many people, too many complicated situations, and too much drama.

Lila, on the other hand, insisted we try it.

“It's a restaurant too,” she said, showing me the menu, “And it's all-inclusive, Josie. Look at the delightful meals they have listed—scallops in white-wine sauce, swordfish—I'm getting hungry just looking at the pictures in the menu.”

Free food was hard to pass up, especially food I'd normally not get to enjoy in my everyday life. Begrudgingly, and with a heart that was rocketing inside me, I let Lila and Jason drag me out to the VIP lounge for dinner.

“This place is fancy,” I muttered, admiring the crystal chandelier that hung from the middle of the room.

The restaurant was dimly lit, giving it a more intimate and cozy atmosphere. While most of the clubs on the ship were wild and filled with drunken debauchery, this one had a dress code. Meaning, we were all three dressed in black tie attire.

The black dress I'd had on the night I first met Gavin at that club on board the ship was all that I had. I felt incredibly self-conscious when I looked in the mirror and saw the way it hugged my tummy a little too tightly, showing off my tiny, but steadily growing, baby bump. Lila insisted it wasn't noticeable, but I could tell. It looked as if I'd had one too many tacos or drank a lot of beer. Or both.

Lila, as always, looked fantastic in her black dress, hugging her lithe frame and showing off her perfectly flat, non-pregnant belly. Jason walked alongside her, and I followed behind a few steps, feeling very much like the third wheel. “Nice, isn't it?” Lila cooed, looking around with wide eyes.

“Very nice,” I said.

I focused on the menu and tried to make heads or tails of some of the things I was reading. Lila and Jason both ordered cocktails, and when the waitress looked over at me, I gave her a small smile.

“I'll just have a water, please,” I said.

“Drinks are included on the house” the waitress said.

“I'll still take a water.” I said sternly. “But, thank you anyway.”

The waitress didn't argue with me again, instead, turning on her heel and going on her to get our drinks.

Lila and Jason were getting rather cozy, kissing each other as I tried to stare at something else, anything else but the couple getting down at our table. My eyes landed on a man sitting at the bar, facing in my direction.

Our eyes locked on to one another's, and suddenly, I felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room. I felt like I couldn't breathe as I recognized that chiseled jaw and dark eyes. He smiled at me.

“Oh no,” I muttered, looking away as quickly as I could.
