Page 113 of The Better Brother

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I could do the math. If she was pregnant, the timing would mean it’d be mine. Unless she’d slept with other men around the same time. But I knew her better than that. The truth of the matter was that she’d been a submissive little virgin. I was the first and likely the only man she’d slept with during that time. Hell, I may still very well be the only man she’s slept with, period.

“Congratulations,” I remarked to her, my tone a little sharper than I’d intended.

I found myself angry at her. Had she planned to keep my child a secret from me? She looked over at me, her eyes growing large.

“What do you mean?” she asked lamely, speaking slowly.

“You know what I mean,” I said, trying hard to keep my cool.

“I don’t…” she stammered.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she stood up, pushing the chair completely back from the table and it tipped backward onto the floor with a loud clatter. People turned to look, watching closely. Not one to create a scene, though, I took her hand and tried to keep things from escalating.

“Sh,” I said. “Sit down, Josie.”

I expected her to listen, as she was so submissive the last time I saw her. This time, though, she quickly pulled her hand back from mine and narrowed her eyes at me.

“I don't need you,” she hissed a moment before rushing away.

She hurried out of the restaurant, but I wasn't about to let her get away that easily. Not this time. I followed her out, chasing her down the corridor, calling her name over and over again. I knew she could hear me, but she refused to listen.

“Josie, listen,” I said, grabbing her hand just as she stepped into an elevator.

I stepped inside with her and pushed the Stop button. The doors were closed behind us, but we weren't going anywhere. She had to face me now. There was nowhere she could run.

“Stop, just leave me alone,” she cried, yanking her hand away from mine again. “Like I said, I don't need you. I don't need anyone.”

The sound of her voice cut deep into me. She sounded helpless and afraid, and my instinct was to protect her—to protect our child. I pulled her into my arms and found she didn't pull away. At least not at first. I calmed her down, speaking in calm, soothing tones to her.

“Josie, calm down,” I whispered. “I just want to talk to you, that's all.”

“I don't have anything to say,” she murmured.

Is it my child?”

I already knew the answer to that question. She was a good girl, not the type who slept around. What happened with me was not the norm for a woman like Josie, which was why I'd been drawn to her to begin with. We hadn't used protection, which was my fault. I honestly should have known better. But, caught up in the heat of the moment, I hadn't been using my head. At least, not the one sitting on top of my shoulders. Josie was a virgin and my instinct—my absolute desire—was to feel her from the inside out. And that had made me stupid. Careless.

Josie lifted her head, but wouldn't look at me. I could see the pain and torment in her eyes, though. I knew she was having a hard time coming to grips with this all on her own. I could see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes and wanted to take it away from her.

She nodded. “Yes. You’re the only man I’ve ever been with.”

I nodded back at her. “I figured as much.”

I lifted her face, stroking her chin, and stared into her big, baby blue eyes. They were wet with tears, as were her cheeks, and it killed me to see her crying. I hardly knew this woman, but she was carrying my child. Suddenly, my world shifted. Not only did I fantasize about all the ways I wanted to fuck Josie, I suddenly felt like I'd walk through heaven and hell to keep her safe.

“But listen” she said, wiping her tears away and stepping back, “I mean it. I don't need anything from you. You don't have to provide for this child in any way. This is my responsibility.”

“Like hell I don't,” I said. “If it's my kid, I'm going to take care of it. What kind of man do you think I am, Josie? This is much my responsibility as it is yours. Maybe more so.”

She bit her lip. “Honestly? I hardly know you.”

“Well, that's about to change,” I said. “Because like it or not, we're having a kid together,” I said. “Which means, we should probably start getting to know each other.”

“Do you think we can go somewhere to talk? Somewhere more…private?”

“Of course,” I said, pressing the elevator button for the top floor of the cruise ship.

