Page 118 of The Better Brother

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“I can't ask you to do that,” I said.

“Why not? You're having my child. It only seems fitting you'd stay here with me, allow me to care for you both,” he said. “If that means I take care of your mother too, so be it. I have no issue with that at all.”

My heart fluttered with so many warm feelings. The idea that he wanted to take care of me, after I'd been the one caring for others for so long, was so sweet it made me almost want to cry. I so badly wanted to agree, to say yes, so I could stay aboard this ship with him.

“I have doctors’ appointments and stuff too,” I muttered. “You know, baby stuff.”

“Like I said, we have a few days before we leave again,” he said. “We can stay in my condo in San Diego until then, get you to your appointments, and set sail again in a few days.”

“Oh God, that's so tempting,” I laughed.

“Then it's settled,” Gavin said.

“I'll set up someone to care for your mother, and it'll be the best care money can buy. Your mother will want for nothing, I assure you.”

My eyes welled with tears. “Thank you, Gavin.”

He kissed me, long and hard, and I felt his erection pressing into me. I reached down, taking hold of his cock—and yes, I could now say cock without dying of embarrassment. Gavin had helped me with so much in the last week, including accepting the fact that I could enjoy sex without shame. It was a really liberating experience, one I'd been denied for so long.

I very much enjoyed his cock, and my body ached for him already, even though we'd fucked only hours before.

“Slow down, my pet,” he chuckled. “We have brunch with your friends, remember?”

“We can cancel,” I said as I nuzzled myself into his chest.

I stroked his long, hard cock through his pants and felt him shudder. With my hand gripping his cock, he wanted to cancel too. I could see it in his eyes.

“We can't,” he said, taking my hands off him and bringing them to his lips, where he kissed them gently. “But we'll have all the time in the world if you stay with me.”

“I'll stay with you,” I said. “Because there's nowhere else I'd rather be.”


Living life at sea was interesting, to say the least. Especially with a child. Colby Lamar was born in San Diego, and while we spent the early days on land, our first trip out to sea came when he was just under a year old.

It wasn't aboard the cruise ship, however. Gavin and I still frequented the cruises, when we had time, but most of our time on the water was aboard his yacht, which allowed us to sail wherever our hearts desired. Colby's first steps were aboard the yacht, with Lila and Jason present as well.

Gavin and I were sitting next to each other, our son sleeping in my arms, as we sailed down to Cabo. It was just going to be a short trip, just to see if our son loved the sea as much as his father, and so far, it appeared to be the case.

Lila and Jason had recently gotten engaged and we were going down to celebrate. Apparently, the singles cruise helped more than one person find their soul mate, because those two looked completely and utterly in love.

As did Gavin and me. My handsome, dominant man kept his promise—he took care of us. I was able to take some online classes while at sea, and when we got back to San Diego, I could finish my degree. I'd be a nurse. Not because we needed the money, but because that's what I wanted to do. Finally, I could do what I wanted. I wasn't tied down to my family.

My mom was getting the care she needed, better care than I could provide for her, and was recovering nicely. She was a little upset at me for getting pregnant before marriage, but after meeting Gavin and hearing that he was going to be in the child's life, she relented.

Plus it wasn't just Lila and Jason getting married in the not too distant future. Gavin and I had a wedding of our own to plan. He'd asked me right after I gave birth to our son—a child that looked every bit like his father.

He wanted to make us a real family, and how could I resist? I love him, he loved me, and we simply worked together.

Our love story might not be conventional but in the end, we were happy.

Our son had his mom and dad, and he'd be spoiled rotten. Not just by his daddy, but by Aunt Lila who showered him with lavish gifts as well. Never before, had I experienced such luxury and ease of living. Never before had I felt so loved and valued.

can't get enough of.


A Best Friend’s Dad Christmas Romance

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