Page 178 of The Better Brother

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Soon she was bobbing her head so fast that I could tell she was working hard for something, and I decided to let her have it. I relaxed as she sucked me, and I stroked her hair. As she pulled back a little, my nuts tightened and my thick, pearly seed filled her throat. She gulped and caught her breath before taking down more. She paused and suckled a moment once she was done swallowing, and then she pulled away licking her lips and wiping her chin.

The next load I gave her wasn’t going to waste. It was going to be worth billions.


In the span of twenty-four hours, I’d sucked and fucked like a rock star, and I could hardly believe it. Something about this man made all my inhibitions disappear. I was determined to stay out of my head and enjoy what little time we had together.

Reed put his arm around my waist and drew tiny circles on my back. “You want to get out and stretch our legs for a minute?” When I nodded, he opened his door and took my hand. I slid across the seat, and he helped me out of the truck.

We walked closer to the water and stood on the bank, and Reed picked up a couple of pebbles and tossed them across the water. I hadn’t ever been able to skip rocks, so I watched and enjoyed the view. Reed was stone-faced again as if there was so

mething weighing heavy on his mind. I didn’t feel comfortable asking because I wasn’t sure just how intimate our relationship was supposed to be.

His eyes, while bright and sexy blue, were darkened by his thick black lashes which gave them a natural heavy liner effect that any rock star would envy. He was beautiful and fierce, rugged and intimidating, and extremely hard to read, but he didn’t seem judgmental, or critical like Gavin had been.

“You said earlier that you wanted a family?” Reed tossed another rock, but this one plopped and sank like he made no effort to skip it.

I felt a little strange wondering if he’d be like Kayla and think I was crazy. “I did. I mean, someday I do. I thought about becoming a mother when my mom passed away. I felt alone in the world and— I know it sounds crazy, but I thought that a child would make everything better. Now, I’m going to focus on me for a while, my art, and talents.”

He considered my answer. “What do you take photographs of? Landscapes, people?” He kicked a stick at his feet and then picked up more pebbles.

“I do a little of everything. I like vibrant colors. I did a series of photos that featured my mother during her cancer battle. She would wear the brightest colors, so I used that, plus lots of beautiful nature scenes. After she died, I put them together in a journal that I published. My mother wanted the images to show that death and disease didn’t have to mean one could no longer appreciate beauty in the world. As a matter of fact, it would give people an even deeper appreciate of everything since it has a time stamp on it.”

He glanced over his shoulder, and I caught a look of pain flash across his face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be a Debbie Downer.”

Thunder rumbled in the distance to add to the mood.

“No, I think it’s pretty amazing really. You think about things and you use your camera to see things on a deeper level. Most people take the world at face value, and half of them don’t even see or appreciate what’s right in front of them.” He tossed his last stone and turned to face me. “It’s like this place; my father didn’t understand why I liked coming here. He thought I was up to something, and I’ll admit there were a few times I came here to drink or make out, but for the most part, I spent more time here thinking and enjoying the sounds, smells, and the scenery.”

“Did you ever try to photograph it, or capture it?”

“No, that’s never been my thing. I think I’m content to let it be. It’s always here when I want to see it, and I like the way it fills up all my senses. If you close your eyes, you can smell the dirt.”

“And the fish.” I let loose a giggle, and he nodded.

“Exactly. It’s a full experience.” He grinned and put his hands in his pocket as if to keep himself from taking more pebbles from the ground.

Suddenly, the sky opened up and the rain fell hard and steady in fat drops. I held up my hands and laughed as he shook his head. “Here’s your full experience, Mr. Harrington.” I grabbed his hand, and as the rain grew heavier, we took off for the truck. He lifted me up and into the seat and then hurried in behind me as I scooted over. I situated in the seat, sitting by his side, and once he started the truck and aimed us toward home, he placed his hand on my thigh.

The rain poured down we ran into the house, both dripping wet. As the cold air hit my skin, I wrapped my arms around myself, and my teeth began to chatter.

He went to the couch across the room and took the heavy throw off the back and brought it to me. I went to take it, but he wrapped it around me and pulled me close. My face pressed into his chest as he rubbed my arms. “Let’s go upstairs and dry off and then I’ll order lunch.”

“Sounds good.” We walked upstairs, and I went to my room where I’d left my things, and after I had dried off I decided I better turn on my phone. I wasn’t worried about Gavin as much as I wondered if Kayla had tried to leave me a message about where she and Rick had gone.

Sure enough, my phone was full of texts and missed calls from Gavin, and I knew that I’d have to talk to him eventually. While in the shower, the phone started ringing and I hurried and shut off the water and wrapped a towel around me. I stepped out to see that it was Gavin, and I had a feeling, by the number of missed calls, that he was going to keep harassing me until I talked to him. I took a deep breath and answered, knowing things would get ugly, but prepared to handle him.

“Yes, Gavin?”

“It’s about time you answered your phone. I was about to call the police. I’m worried about you.” His tone was full of anger, and I knew him well enough to know the line about his concern was pure bullshit.

“I told you I was leaving you. It’s not like I’m a missing person. I’m trying to have some space, so this isn’t more difficult than it already is.” It wasn’t as difficult as he wanted it to be.

“Difficult? What’s difficult is coming home to find my house cleaned out and my fiancé gone after leaving me nothing but a note. A fucking note, Bella!”

“I didn’t have time to write a letter, Gavin. I’m sorry I didn’t end things to your satisfaction.” My voice was rising so that my throat was starting to tickle. I went to the counter and put the phone down, turning on the speaker so that I could rinse my mouth at the sink.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

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