Page 191 of The Better Brother

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“The baby?” I put my hand over my stomach as tears pooled in my eyes. “I can’t tell Reed over the phone. I’ll tell him when he gets here tomorrow.”

I just wish I knew how he’d react.


I had sped to the airport and couldn’t wait for the flight to be over so I could get to Bella. The window of opportunity was closing in fast, and I would have to take another approach soon. My first step was buying her house and getting her set up so we’d have more privacy.

I longed for the times we’d be together and hoped that before long we’d be together all the time. I had considered a ring but thought it might be a bit soon to ask her. That was something that could wait, but not too long if it’s what it would take to make me a father.

I arrived at Bella’s house, eager to see the place fully furnished and try out the new bed. We’d been using a blow-up mattress the past couple of times I’d been over, but the bed I’d custom-ordered had arrived the day before with a few other things. Bella had been tired when I called the night before and knowing she’d had a rough one, I encouraged her to go to sleep. She’d had the sniffles and been so zoned out, that I was worried she’d come down with a cold or the damned summer flu.

I put my key in the door and went inside, but Bella wasn’t there to greet me. “Bella?” I threw down my keys and went to the kitchen, but she wasn’t there either. Wondering if she was sick, I headed to the bedroom, but then when I saw that the bed was not assembled, I turned around and found her tucked in and sound asleep on the sofa.

She looked so peaceful and beautiful that I walked across the room and knelt at her side. I pushed her hair away from her face; her face was flushed, her lips appearing much darker than usual. I leaned in and kissed her forehead, and she stirred, pulling her arms up to stretch and yawn.

“Reed?” she said in a sleepy voice.

“Yeah, did you forget I was coming today? It’s after six. Are you hungry?” She pushed the blanket off of her and confusion creased my brow.

“What’s that?” I examined her foot which was stuck inside a medical boot.

“It’s fine. It’s nothing.” She waved her hand like she didn’t want me to make a big deal of it, but I was growing angrier by the minute wondering why she hadn’t told me.

“What happened to you and when? Why haven’t you told me?” I tried to keep my cool, but that wasn’t my strong suit.

“Stop yelling at me.” She gave me a hard glare and took a deep breath. “I was helping the delivery men into the house and stepped on the stoop wrong. I twisted my ankle, and it’s sprained.”

“And you didn’t tell me because?”

“Because I didn’t want you to kill yourself getting here and I’ve been so tired.” She yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Besides, I had something else to tell you, and I wanted to tell you in person.”

She stared at the floor, and her hands wrung together like she was twisting a rag.

“Tell me.” I braced myself, wondering if it was what I’d longed to hear from her or if it was something else. It was the longest two minutes of my life as she gathered the strength to tell me.

“Reed, I’m pregnant.” She opened her eyes and found me smiling. A look of confusion washed over her.

“You are? You’re sure?” My chest swelled with pride, and I felt the relief of knowing my financial stability was intact for at least the rest of my life. I felt like I had everything all of a sudden; a wonderful girlfriend who I adored, my little heir in the oven, and my fortune to take care of us all.

“Yes. Are you really happy? I didn’t know if you would be.” She placed her hand on her tummy, and it hit me.

Fuck. She was carrying my baby. Mine; a life I created.

“I’m happier than I can even explain, right now, Bella. The happiest man alive.” I realized that it wasn’t about the money, either. It was about this amazing woman who was carrying a baby for us to love together for the rest of our lives. I realized I wanted to do that with her too. I wanted to be a father to this baby, and be the man my own father had never been.

I pulled Bella into my arms. “Are you happy, Bella?”

She let out a sigh. “I’m not sure what I am. I know it sounds horrible, but I’m scared to death. I know I wanted this in the past, but now I just wanted time for me...” she trailed off.

I felt a sinking feeling in my gut. “Are you saying you don’t want this baby?” I asked.

“No, Reed, I want it, I do. I just feel so confused. It’s not a good time for me is all I’m trying to say.”

I turned my back to her and walked away a few paces. She followed behind me and continued talking. “Reed, it’s all just happening so fast.”

“I need you to be completely honest with me, Bella. Tell me how you feel.” I was an inch from her face, and I could feel her breath with every heave of her breasts.

“I’m scared you’re going to realize how fast it is and leave me once the novelty of this wears off. Or that you’ll think I’ve done this to trap you. I swear I haven’t. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Her words were like a punch in the gut. I’d trapped her. I’d done all of this on purpose. I realized in that moment that I could never tell her or I’d lose her.
