Page 204 of The Better Brother

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The man was counting out hundred dollar bills into the girl’s hand.

When he saw me heading for the door, he paused for a moment, shook his head, then went on counting.


As a successful entrepreneur, I knew the importance of making a good first impression. Granted, when you’re a billionaire you’re not as concerned about it as a guy who was struggling, but the point is valid, nonetheless.

Always make a good first impression, they say.

People judge you by the first impression you make, and you only get one shot at it.

Well, I’d say that I had made a pretty strong first impression on Maggie Dean. Whether it was a good one or not, remained to be seen.

My first thought of Maggie was that she wore too many clothes.

She came in bundled up like an Eskimo, and even when she shook off the parka, I couldn’t tell much about her body.

She was wearing jeans that nicely-fit her tall, curvy frame, and a bulky sweater that I think was hiding a nice big set of tits.

Her blond hair was cut short and worn messy. She had a naturally pretty face, perfect lips that curled into an easy smile, and piercing blue eyes that shot into me like lasers when she saw my cock dangling there.

Sadly, I could only imagine what she looked like underneath all those clothes. And that made me even more determined to find out. Who knew my anaconda would scare her off at one glance?

* * *

“Was that your new chef I just saw bolting out of here with the horrified look on her face?” Charlie asked as he came into the kitchen and found me standing at the sink with a fresh cup of coffee in my hands. When he saw my cock hanging out, he scooped up the towel from the floor and flung it at me.

“Oh for Christ’s sake, Tyler, not the old ‘can I stir your coffee with my cock’ routine again? You know that never works.”

“Sometimes it works,” I said with a shrug, slinging the towel over my shoulder. I scratched my balls and sighed at him. “You get the trash taken out?”

“Your overnight guest has left, yes,” he said, picking up Maggie’s cup from the bar and setting it in the sink. He pulled down a fresh cup and filled it with coffee, then took the empty seat at the bar. He tugged his iPhone from inside his jacket and tapped the screen.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

He held out the phone. “I’m Googling a local employment agency,” he said. “To find you a chef that doesn’t run off at the first sight of cock. I wonder if there are deaf, dumb, and blind chefs.” He paused to glance toward the door. “Hey, maybe the redhead who just left can cook.”

“She can cook, but probably not in the kitchen,” I said, flexing my eyebrows at him. “Her particular set of skills are much more suited to the bedroom. Or under the table at the strip club.”

Charlie chuckled as he fiddled with this phone. “So, I’ll call an agency and get some interviews lined up for later today. If you think you can keep the python in your pants long enough to interview them.”

“No need to call anyone.” I nodded toward the door. “I want her.”

He frowned at me. “You think you can convince her to come to work for you?” He nodded at my cock. “After you’ve shown her that? You’ll be lucky if she doesn’t file a complaint with the sheriff’s office.”

“I don’t think she’d do that,” I said. I drained the cup and set it in the sink. “She’s broke, raising two teenage brothers, and doesn’t have a lot of options. She’s a smart girl. She’ll come around, trust me.”

Charlie rolled his eyes at me. “Trust you? Jesus, Tyler, you flashed your cock at her and she ran out of here like she’d seen a ghost.”

“Or a monster,” I said with a smirk.

“Look, I know you’re used to women falling all over you, but that one’s not some lap dancer that’s gonna blow you under the table in a club or fuck you in the back of a Hummer. She’s a nice, local girl. If she goes to the sheriff and files a complaint…” He shook his head. “Look, all I’m saying is, we do not need trouble with the locals, so please, keep the fucking monster in your pants.”

“Don’t worry, Charlie. I’ll straighten things out with her.”

“By that you mean that you want me to straighten things out with her.”

“Duh,” I said with a grin. I slapped him on the shoulder and started to the door. “I’m going to get dressed. The monster is cold.”

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