Page 212 of The Better Brother

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I gave her a smile and gave the place a casual look. The building was old, the décor was outdated. There were water stains on the ceiling and worn spots in the carpet. There was a heavy smell of grease in the air. It was the stereotypical touristy mom-and-pop operation, but Maggie seemed proud of the place, and eager for me to share her enthusiasm.

I put on a smile and let her order for us from the lunch menu. We both had the cheeseburger and fries. Maggie bragged on the burger as she ordered it, and swore it was the best burger this side of Denver. I resisted the urge to ask if she’d ever even had a Denver burger.

Smile Tyler. Don’t be a douche.

It was a decent burger, but nothing special.

I choked it down and focused more on the conversation than the food.

I found myself enjoying her company immensely. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a leisurely lunch with a pretty girl who wasn’t trying to get her hooks into my wallet.

Maggie Dean was naturally beautiful, sweet, down-to-earth, unassuming, and had an air that made people gravitate to her. Everywhere we went a hug awaited her and people lit up when she came into the room.

I felt good just being around her. It was a feeling I wasn’t familiar with.

Then, the little voice in my head reminded me that the goal was to get into her pants; to get her naked in my bed, to get her to succumb to my demands and desires.

I’d never been refused by any woman, and I didn’t plan to start now.


Even though I was hesitant to take the job working for Tyler, the day spent giving him the tour of Mountain View turned out to be one of the most enjoyable days since my mom passed away.

Maybe it was because I hadn’t spent a lot of time around men his age. Granted, he was just ten years older than me, but he seemed so worldly, so mature. The “cock flashing” incident aside, he was one of the smartest, most charming men I’d ever met.

He got misty-eyed when he talked about his dad and the little shop on the side street in Denver.

I wish all guys knew this about women. We love it when they cry. We love seeing their vulnerable, sensitive side.

Then his eyes danced as he talked about building the one little shop into a national chain, then branching out into hotels, tourism, and a dozen other things.

We walked and talked and laughed and huddled close to keep warm as we made our way around town.

As the day progressed, I got to know the real Tyler Jenner and he got to know the real me. It was hard to believe that I was getting paid just to hang out with him. It was the easiest money I would ever make.

* * *

The day seemed to fly by. By the time the tour was over, the sun was behind the mountain and the snow was falling again; it made for a beautiful scene. I’ve always thought my hometown looked like it belonged in a snow globe in winter.

Tyler held my hand so I wouldn’t slip as he helped me into the Hummer for the trip back to the cabin. I turned on the seat warmer and sighed happily as my bottom started to get toasty. I glanced over at Tyler. He was smiling at me and I felt my cheeks getting as warm as the ones I was sitting on.

We were halfway up the mountain when the snow really started coming down hard. The wind had picked up and it rocked the Hummer sideways as it climbed the mountain road. I looked over at Tyler, who’d gotten quiet. He was holding onto the wheel with both hands, leaning forward to see the road through the swirling snow.

“Where did this storm come from?” I asked, forcing a smile to lighten the mood. “I’m glad we’re not in my old Honda.”

Tyler gave my knee a comforting pat. “Don’t worry. This thing will get us there through just about anything.” He glanced over at me. “But I’m not sure your car will get you back down.”

I heard the words and all the little voices inside my head started screaming at once. Some were joyous that I might be trapped at the cabin with Tyler. The other voices, the ones not associated with the parts of my body below the neck, were telling me to beware.

* * *

Tyler was gallant. He parked the Hummer as close to the front door as he could, then trudged through the foot of snow to come around to help me out. Rather than simply take my hand and lead me to the door, he scooped me up in his strong arms and carried me up the steps of the porch.

“I can walk!” I said, hooking my arms around his neck.

“I’m not going to have you break a leg your first day at work,” he said. He held me easily in one arm and opened the door with the other. Once we were inside, he kicked the door shut with his heel and gently set me down.

“I’m not sure you can get down the mountain in this storm with that little car of yours,” Tyler said as he dusted the snow from his hair. He took off his coat and hung it on the hook, then waited for me to do the same.
