Page 213 of The Better Brother

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“What am I going to do?” I asked.

I know, it was a stupid question, but it had to be asked.

“There’s plenty of room here,” Tyler said, cupping his hands and blowing into them. “We could have a sleepover.”

His eyes sparkled like a little kid on Christmas eve.

“A sleepover?” I folded my arms over my chest and gave him a wary look. “Exactly what does that mean?”

“It means, you go into the kitchen and get us a snack while I get a fire started in the den. We’ll eat strawberries and drink hot chocolate and toast marshmallows and thaw out our bones. Then you go to your room and I go to mine.”

“Promise?” I looked at him sideway and resisted the smile that was itching at my lips.

He held up three fingers and gave me a serious nod. “Scouts honor, ma’am. Now let’s go. I’m freezing my butt off.”


While Tyler built the fire, I put together a tray of fresh strawberries, a caramel dip, slices of cheese, and an assortment of crackers. I fixed two large mugs of hot chocolate and layered the tops with tiny marshmallows.

It gave me time to pause and reflect over the day. I saw parts of Tyler that were actually genuine. It was as though he stopped trying to be someone he wasn’t. I had a feeling that I was the first person to see that side of him since his father passed away.

I liked that side of him.

Dammit Maggie. Are you falling for your boss? The same one that flashed you with his cock the day of your interview?

Maybe I was falling for the cock flashing mountain man.

Or, maybe a part of me wanted his cock. I guess my wet dreams since our first encounter was proof of that. Case closed.

The memory of seeing his erect manhood in his kitchen left me wondering what it must feel like having a man like Tyler inside of me.


This boyishly sweet charm, or his beautiful sweet cock?

I was tired and I couldn’t make a decision what part of Tyler I wanted more. I decided not to think too much about it and just be myself.

By the time I came into the den holding the tray in my hands, the fire in the stone fireplace was roaring. Tyler was sitting on the bear skin rug in front of the fire, using a poker to position the logs.

“Wow, that’s some fire,” I said, feeling the heat the moment I stepped into the room. I sat down on the rug across from him and set the tray between us. “You really are a boy scout, aren’t you?”

“More of a woodsman,” he said, giving me a smile that was bathed in the glow of the fire. “My dad taught me how to build a fire when I was old enough to strike a match.”

“I always just use the fake logs you get at the store.”

“That’s cheating,” he said, clicking his tongue. “And they don’t put out the heat like real logs.”

He set the poker aside and picked up his mug of hot chocolate. He took a loud sip and grinned at me with melted marshmallow clinging to the tips of his moustache.

I giggled and handed him a napkin.

“This has been a great day,” he said, wiping his mouth. He stretched out to lie on his side on the rug and propped himself up on one elbow. He glanced at me from beneath his dark eyebrows. “Did you enjoy it as much as I did?”

I cupped the mug of hot chocolate between my hands and held it to my lips. I smiled back at him. “It was a lovely day,” I admitted.

“I’m sad to see it end,” he said.

“So am I.” I sighed happily and gave him a tired smile.
