Page 103 of Sin City Baby

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Logan’s lips fell to mine before he smiled against me.

“You have no fucking idea how wonderful you did,” he said.

“You and Levi are going to have to watch that language around the baby,” I said.

“No shit,” Levi said with a grin.

“It slides now, but once this boy turns a year old, it won’t anymore,” I said.

“It was just a joke. I’m already working on it,” Levi said as he slid the hat onto Leo’s head.

“I’ve got tea,” Liam said.

“You have a pitcher of it,” I said.

“I figured we could all use a nice drink to celebrate,” Liam said.

Lauren stopped by to dote on her nephew, and everyone snapped pictures. I wanted to remember all of these moments. All of these precious moments that surrounded our growing family. Lauren kept kissing Leo’s forehead and cooing down at him. Leo even wrapped his finger around hers while she sang lightly to him. I was able to get a quick nap in Liam’s bed while they all looked after the baby, and I woke up to Lauren kissing my cheek.

“You did so good, sis,” she said smiling at me.

“Will you come by tomorrow?” I asked.

“Of course. Todd wants to come with me, too. I think he’s getting baby fever.”

“Does that mean another family addition is in the works?” I asked.

“Let’s just say we’ve discarded the pills for now.”

I wrapped my arms around my best friend and held her close.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said.

“Now you rest. Don’t let that baby run you ragged. You’ve got four men doting on you. Take advantage of it.”

“I promise I always do,” I said with a grin.

Liam helped me out of bed and got me down the stairs. Everyone was on the massive couch specially-made for all of us to lean back into. I sat between all of them and reached for Leo, then brought him quickly to my breast so he could nurse. The television was rolling in the background, but no one was paying attention.

Everyone had their eyes on the newest addition to our family.

“I love you so much, Sam,” Luke said.

“So do I,” Logan said.

“Me, too,” Liam said.

“More than I ever have before,” Levi said. “You kicked butt in that tub today.”

“And I can feel it. My bones still hurt,” I said.

“Then lean back into this couch and don’t do a thing,” Liam said. “I’ll take care of dinner for the next few weeks, and Logan’s on breakfast watch.”

“Yep. And I’ve got the cleaning duties. Which means I hired us a maid,” Levi said.

“And I’m helping you with the nighttime feedings,” Luke said. “In the beginning, I’ll be getting up with you to help in whatever way I can. Then, when your milk comes in, I’ll get you the best pump on the market so we can all interchange the night feedings.”

“I see someone’s been reading my books,” I said with a grin.
