Page 11 of Sin City Baby

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And watching her walk towards us in baggage claim was enough to swell my chest with happiness.

Logan had been insistent that someone had to ride out to Vegas with Sam. And since Lauren and Todd were riding in first-class seats, that meant someone had to stay behind in economy and ride with her. I knew Liam would take care of her, so I let it go when it was offered that he stay behind and ride with her. After all, I was the one going ahead and making sure her accommodations were deserving of her presence. That meant something.

But watching Liam walk off the plane with her giggling at his side made me wish I was the one who’d stayed with her. I didn’t talk much about how I felt regarding her to my other brothers, but Liam knew. He knew how I felt about her and there he was, walking a little too closely with his hand on the small of her back. I’d waited an entire month to feel Sam in my arms again, and knowing Liam got there first made me ache for her more.

Sam threw her arms around all of our necks, and I drew in her scent. That spicy cinnamon and apple body wash she always wore enticed me closer to her. I gave her one final squeeze before she smiled up at me, and I fell into the swimming abyss of her gorgeous blue stare.

“Care to share a cab?” Sam asked.

“I’d like that,” I said.

“So, Liam had a theory that you guys probably came early to make sure the hotel rooms were okay.”

“We did.”

“Are they okay?” she asked.

“They’re perfect.”

“Good. So, what are we going to do about these plane tickets I bought for you guys that never got used?”

“Have you checked your bank account?”

She furrowed her brow and pulled out her phone, but I quickly wrapped my hand around her wrist. Her skin was soft. Warm. I’d made a terrible mistake in touching her. Fuck. I couldn’t let go. I wanted more. My heart slammed against my chest and our eyes connected. Liam was star

ing at us, and I knew he could see the love I’d had for this woman for all these years.

“Luke?” Liam asked. “You good?”

“Yeah. Sorry. Um, don’t worry about checking now, but I pulled a few strings and got our tickets refunded. If you don’t see the money in your account today, you should tomorrow,” I said.

“Why didn’t you tell me you guys were coming to do this? We could’ve all rode in early,” Sam said.

I shrugged. I didn’t really have an answer other than I wanted to make sure things were perfect for her. And it wasn’t the time to say something like that. Not with us standing in the middle of an airport and Liam’s eyes burning holes into me.

“You guys coming or what?” Logan asked.

I looked back and saw the rest of the crew standing at the exit.

“We better get going before everyone gets restless,” Sam said with a giggle.

I closed my eyes and took in the sound before I nodded my head.

“Come on. I’ll flag us down a cab,” I said.

“Okay,” Sam said as she slid in next to me, “how was your plane ride?”

“It was what it was.”

“Still the functioning mute, I see.”

“I’m not mute.”

“You don’t talk much,” she said.

“I don’t have much to say.”

“Then tell me about work. How’s the world of finance?”
